Wednesday, April 17, 2024

ww 4 17

Dd 4 17


The great Internet mystery “I'll call you at 2:00”.  Is that today tomorrow or yesterday,,,  and does yesterday become today at midnight as one would suspect or tomorrow  does today become yesterday?  without at least one identifying marker like,,,,  today (, Wednesday)---- I am often left wondering when did this sequence start. I suspect that most of the world communicates through Facebook which may label it for them but seeing as I don't facebooks I am often left with one foot firmly planted in mid air.


Deb offered to help with the donkeys around a dental appointment... which would have been nice if we could have worked around 2:00 for both appointments ----it was a good visit yesterday.  We went to the Pilgrim house nursing home with that lovely Little Pony mini horse or whatever you want to call her and I would have to call the donkey a nomal  a regular size donkey he's a little bit larger than a mini..  having argued for 20 minutes with the trailer hitch about what is 2 inches???   we finally loaded the two without any trouble and managed to park easily in their handicapped parking place..  there is a long straight corridor and I have to say carpeted corridor 2 the door which exits onto their patio... where they had probably 35 patiences already in wheelchairs or rolling beds or whatever with Carly and Judy leading the animals I trailed along behind with my Walker filled with apple snacks, frying pans and the green bucket. Because I was perhaps the most experienced catcher in the rye...  so to speak... it very nearly fulfilled a lifetime goal of wandering around a nursing home with a well behaved donkey as we walked down that long corridor followed by the activities director moaning about not having received permission for this deal from the head honcho.. but we made it through the whole performance with no accidents,..  one thing about nursing homes whatever accident the donkeys could have has already happened somewhere in the place so although we try and be very careful reality is reality... and I was the keeper of the green bucket...


These two animals have not been used all that much so far and at the start the donkey was a little bit intense at finding just who had the treats and did not relate the frying pan with being fed...  so by the time we'd been there for 45 minutes he knew very well that the treat  was going to appear in the frying pan and if he just concentrate on that he'd find the treat a lot faster... so I sat there with the activities director (and the green bucket.)    she asked me how long it took me to train these two to eat out of the frying pan,,  and I honestly said about 5 minutes---- it really is a very good idea the donkeys concentrate on the pan instead of hands and people can take pictures as they search around for maybe a second treat in the frying pan..


The people were all amazed and thrilled with the two animals... and though it took considerable effort to get the trailer lights and the hitch and the registration all in order so we could use it for these visits,   the thrill these people got was well worth the effort...  particularly the one poor man who must have had a stroke and could not move anything besides his head----   his whole family was there and you can see he really appreciated the effort we had made


I have to admit there's an awful lot more effort that goes into trying to show a horse in some horse show where your goal is a blue ribbon which you can buy at the ribbon store for about $3..  These people will be talking about that horse and donkey for a very long time..  money well spent...


If success is using your capabilities to their fullest extent I was certainly well placed behind those two with the green bucket.   most people can identify some peculiar activity of which they are capable.... and my talent was certainly well defined behind the whole operation with the green bucket.


On to the next