Wednesday, January 31, 2024

 DD 1 31

MESSAGE FOR DEE A.----i do not seem to have any email address for you--- so your henny penny got screwey looking... but i know ----- it got entered as all in henny--- so we reentered it 1/2 hay and 1/2henny. and the hay one got labeled dee QP for quick pick-- and that D Q now reads on the "board"

i could not believe i could not find your email... of all people// you have been around a while !!







Tuesday, January 30, 2024

 dd 30

janine's b'day...

bless you all for henny’s pennys !! we will have a few pennys to help with janine’s mini’s and the tooth surgery-----if i remember correctly it is a mini i am hoping to “use” in the new bun bag contraption for nursig homes---

i say nursinjg homes-- and that is certainly true--- but i am using the generic ... meaning care centers for both adoults and children,,,

if that bun bag works as well as i think it may.... and maybe on goats too... we are ready for expansion of our “dog and pony show”. welllll. dog and donkey show????

i think that mini janine thinks would work well... is white..... and that is a whole new ball qame-- the last white horse i had to get ready for in front of the cameras... was tinker--- i only had to clean up one side for the cameras--- and that took nearly a gallon of that blue waterless shampoo.....---

i did my first “job” in months at Trask’s peabody day care--- they werre all glad to see me back--- neighbor deb nelson( and elizabeth went too..

 and ---------- i found out that 2 fry pans does noit work--AT ALL... neither larkey or sizzle ever got the pidture of goto one person witht he fry pan... because there were2.... and there was wanda with her nose everywhere really screwing up the whole game !!

people loved ity-- but i was furious she was ruining my plans !! and i was afraqid larkey or sizzle might do their own correcting....

however-- we made it... on to the next ! well on to a burger at “five guys”. deb was buying--- i had never been there--- let me tell you-- that was a burger... big time--- 2 meals out of it.!!


i am told by carola from wisconsin (aka south carolina). that the camera on the deagle house can read whatever is happening on my deck-- and darn near in those windows by the dog beds....and about 200 people watch that most of the time.... they will love it if i finally do get a mini donk there to work with..... 

i have to run this by you all-- mostly so someone will remind me---- 

this getting old is not for the meek.... i usually have one physical a year---and maybe a mamo - so let me list next week’s attentions i. must pay to health stuff...

#1-- i need a refill -----TODAY--- more shots for my belly

1/31 DR APT DERM  8.15

2/1. chest 2.30

2/5 erler ( gp post hosp check)10.30-- got to change that --- 2/5 is ?court day...

2/7. elbow surg ck. 3.45---

2/12 ortho. 8.40and 10.15 cardio

2/15. hemo. 9.10

i never had so much wrong with me at once !!

but my golf cart is running-- so so am i !!!

and no more jammies all day----i will be lucky if i get a nap!

p.s. apparently someone took offense as only one can on the internet---- that i called sandy-s harl "zee pup" when his name is actually Thor..... which i could not remember... megan told me he was born in georgia-- and i even asked her to try and get me a pup like him....

honestly is that internet buzzing good for anything???? you have to that an important earth shattering fact that i could not remember his name and Zee pup worked well for the purpose????

Monday, January 29, 2024

 d d 29

Goldys worrier (typo on purpose)--- colleen---- has discovered a poo CATCHER.... . Which is very close to what I was trying to design,,,, so I. have told her to go ahead and figure it out—and the fun fund could fund to try and get donkeya--- and goats into these places we goto....i am prettu sure---- with everyones approval of spending $69 on one to attempt to get more animals into these places....---- I had considered having PACK SADDLE ON THE DONKEY AND ATTACHING THE POO BAG... WHICH STILL MIGHT BE THE WAY TO GO...


AT ANY RATE.. IT LOOKS LIK THIS “BUN.BAG LADY” HAS DONE MUCH OF THE EXPERIMENTING FOR US.... I AM WILLING TO RISK A FEW BUCKS IN THE EFFORT TO AMUSE THESE DAY CARE PLACES..... I don't like to get an idea which sounds like fun and then not be able to figure out how to accomplish it so I am thrilled to find this person who is done just about what I was trying to do and has already figured out the straps and snaps for me.






?powerball????? My other fascination of the day is how often I am running into the number 1040----as in my IRS form.... the phone number of my lawyer----and the number of pounds of SDP  crap. that was ---in the photo  in the cellar cleaning episode... That stuff sat around for over a week and attracted the rats, the mold,  and of all things some frogs before Janine loaded it into the trailer wearing a hazmat suit and I hauled it to the transfer station, AND PAID THE FEE . we have a lot of the trash it and leave it that needs some heavy duty attention.... I wonder.... hmmmmmm.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

 dd 1 28

This will be the. ----” just when you think you've heard it all” ---daily doggy... my TV does stay on all night ----usually on doctor Pol and the zoos but last night it was on discovering Mexico and their foods.. I was fascinated to watch them make stringy cheese which they then proceeded to layer on a big grape leaf with what looked like bacon bits roll the whole thing up into a circular sort of thing and cut it into 1/2 inch pieces and you have a circular sort of roll up to eat it was kind of pretty green things like that..... but the woman asked what the bacon bits were actually and she was told that they were dried grasshoppers and went on to explain that there was a lot of protein in grasshoppers... and how her ancestor had survived on dried grasshoppers... Which goes to show that we humans can be trained to accept anything if you get a trial young enough and have them believe something is normal then it stays normal---why should I accept ground up hog meat or.

 pigs and call it bacon and I find ground up grasshoppers to be beyond the fringe of my normal eating habits....


I have to comment that I think new england's habit of a dinner plate containing some meat some potato and some vegetable as a nice normal way to go and I am slightly suspicious of the ethnic type foods which gets so many ingredients mixed up together that you're really not too sure of what you're eating and it could be the ground up grasshoppers could be normal protein ingredient.... I can lapse back to my friend who used to feed her young children the horse food which did have a touch of molasses in it----and when I questioned that.. she said she had worked in the grain mills and the ingredients bagged as horse food were the same ingredients that went into Cheerios---- it's just the package was different and I think she's probably right---- we don't know about those grasshoppers they're not listed on the ingredients but she said don't kid yourself they're there..


getting away from food---- my next would you believe it ------comes from some in laws of mine... who decided to move to Florida to get away from wisconsin's blustery winters... and in the process of searching for a nice place to live they stumbled over a cruise ship about to leave... so they hopped on the cruise ship and spend the next week wondering about real estate in Florida... and their cruise ship came back home and parked right next to another cruise ship going somewhere else...  so you got it !!! they got on the next one..  now it turns out they are about 3 years into this bit of just staying on a cruise ship... and maybe living a day or two in a hotel between cruise ships...  but they apparently have been around the world twice and are having a wonderful time and they don't own any real estate in Florida..  Plus they own a minimum of the kind of junk that fills our houses...  the couple changes of clothing is really all they need.. There is a pretty good example.. of my aunt Mildred philosophy of blessed be nothing----especially the state of having nothing to worry about---To say the wife and this couple did not own a vacuum cleaner or a dishwasher or a lot of other things that we land lovers find necessary.

Among other things it certainly does eliminate the paraphernalia that we acquire as sort of personal relics.. as Gwen got on the plane to go back to wherever she goes Carolinas---she said I taught her that when going on a trip, she should only take with her what she could  physically carry...... The airlines have finally come to that--- and the days of the well dressed woman with six pieces of matching luggage are gone forever-

I remember as a freshman at Colby college my mother was careful to be sure I had one big suitcase 1 sort of half size and then a small rectangular overnighter. of light tan Amelia earhart luggage...all matching of course.....   Plus I traveled in three inch high heels. struggling to put that overnight suitcase in the overhead rack in a small  2 x 2 seated plane which flew from Boston to Waterville ME.. and of course I was in a skirt. and all those matching kind of things that you wore to travel....  now I swear there's a sign that says “must wear shoes” even if you do have to take them off and put them back on again to prove you're not carry some explosive device in there by your little toe.


I will be very glad to have Judy get back from vacation... her pile of give it to Judy is overflowing plus.... I can't find anything after having her gone for nearly a month----I certainly have had super company and care... plus we have had time to check out things like the egg cooking contraption which somebody sent at mail call--- turns out it did produce 6 peelable hard boiled eggs which were right out of the chicken coop fresh regardless of what all those "how to" articles say.


I say out of the chicken coop--- Elizabeth does not have her chickens well trained at all and these eggs are ones that are found in more obvious places like on top of the food bin.....and on top of the trash can. ---- this sort of chicken management will eventually produce a pile of 30 eggs hidden behind a door and obviously too old to even think of eating----with chickens you gotta pick up the eggs every day or you will run into some hen who wants to pile them  up and then convince some other chicken to sit on them to hatch them. ----the hatching hen is called a broody hen... I think....

Saturday, January 27, 2024

 dd 1 27

Ideas come and ideas go... and being wide awake at 2:00 am. in the morning and having nothing else to do but think strange things I get strange ideas so last night my whole attention was given to how and from whence cometh The donkey’s --- poo.. it really would be very nice to be able to take some donkeys into these places ----they would be a huge hit they'd be wonderful with the temperament quiet and things -----the one downfall would be should they decide to move their bowels ------so if I could manage to catch that we would have a whole new operation going... now I know about the carriage horses in New York carrying the poop bags behind them and I had some made for my hitch of eight donkeys but they're so obvious they're not particularly gracious living so I've been trying to figure out how to disguise the whole thing and yet be able to take the donkey into these places and I think the answer may be to rig the donkey up with a pack saddle that's that wooden X on top of a donkey or horse to which you tie things like camping gear etcetera... in my case we probably would hang tote bags with our luncheon or something for this to be. and effective poo catcher the harness would have to be equipped with what's known as a crouper which is a leather circle sort of thing which the tail goes through.. That would make the crupper the top of the manure  producing hole... now to keep the bottom part of the catching device tight against the donkeys rear end is the challenge facing me at 2:30 AM...  the pack saddle would be historically correct and interesting and although I do like brown leather it is tough to take care of and they do have a substitute now basically of plastic which is black and you could literally just dunk it in Murphy's oil solution to clean it..  this is a good thing because cleaning a full size harness with the brass and all is many hours----- my hitch for 8 literally was a full day and sometimes more than that ----but it was beautiful.. 


The hitch for the 8 donkeys was made by Sam Friedman of Toronto who was a world renowned harness maker and that harness was equally as fine as any coach leather pocketbook I ever saw---- however---when I was just learning to drive two and then four I had a harness made by smuckers harness maker from Pennsylvania... the old Amish harness maker.. the problem was the leather was so strong I could have towed a small train with it except I can hardly force the leather through the buckles.... so graduating from Amish to Sam Friedman there was a large culture shock there.. there's no way I want to spend the Sam Friedman type money and putting together donkey pack saddle but maybe the Amish people can help I think the guy's name was Dan and I have spoken to him through the years as I buy all my brass rings  through him...


Now for the way out concept which probably Janine and almost everyone else we'll have a knee jerk reaction to....  is that it would be possible to bring a mini donkey up onto the deck of the cabin. for me to work with there's no way I can get all the way down to the barn not only is it a long way but it's what you have to go through to get there. but I could work off the deck of the of the cabin then I could get some serious time put in to the donkey and maybe even the mini pony and get them prepared to enter the ranks of entertaining animals by the ides of March..


it's wonderful to get strange ideas that are so popular and we'd love to do them ... but our ideas are beginning to back up behind us and I want to get my homework done ahead of time...  you give me a couple weeks with a donkey and we can do stairs and hop in and out of the trailer and things like that but there's an awful lot of grooming and food handling and treat giving to go through to get to that point...  and if the donkey is not relaxed and looking for cookies and jumping in and out of the trailer and things like that it would be more like work than fun.. seeing as I don't have anything else to do at the moment I could play with a donkey.. heck they won't let me play  it's within with anything else...   hint. Hint. Hint


so I started looking online for many donkey pack saddles... I know I had a perfect pack saddle for Mary who was a mammoth donkey and I hope it's over at Meredith because I bought that in Billings Mt for about $550... and it is saddle leather... so of all things ----it smells good !-------I like the smell of leather even if I do have to clean it... so although this is an idiot project.  I fully intend to spend my own money on it... so that I will be lacking the supervision of the younger generation.. 


I have also decided that I may not order any harness until I get that chicken. on that chicken carrying device...... that project is held up because no one has found the pig  stuff that sticks to the floor... which we had when we had elderly dogs  we need to put that on the shelf for the chicken so she doesn't slide around....  and I need to get that done before I start the harness project. Sticky shelf covering might have to be substituted...... but that pig “roll” is. Around somewhere......

so there!

 meant to add... we are coming to the end of the month... if you can.... please support the henny penny board because we have that ? dental surgery? on one of the animals so we could use a little boost...

Thursday, January 25, 2024

 dd 25

DD 25

sorry about the DD yesterday I was very busy preparing some legal documents and it got to be after 8:00 and I still had to get to the doctor's office and I just plain forgot how could I forget after how many of these damn things if I put out 4000 but I can... As for the thing in the newspaper the editor John did an unbelievable job of putting my article together as late as Monday. when the deadline is supposed to be Saturday noon. and I don't know whether sandy helped him or not but he got a better picture off Facebook and gave them credit for it a better one than the one I sent which was a little bit fuzzy---- the whole article was thrown together very quickly----  it's a good article but I was in an awful hurry -----  sandy now uses 2 great Danes and is quite handily. mobilized by the two of them..  

The pitch of my article is don't knock what seems to be not sustainable until you’ve tried....

There is a TV commercial on now showing a man in the subway standing to let an older woman have the seat... I'm glad somebody's trying to promote that concept and I certainly do have an awful lot of people helping me out but there are certainly a big gap in the whole concept of elder care. Which does have a an outfit called “the open door”.  which very nicely sends me Monday night's meal and it's always very good sort of home grown or home cooked ---last Monday it was good meatloaf great potatoes and a salad with a pastry for dessert---  you can't get any better and I enjoyed it now if I could only remember which day  was Monday I'd be much better off because I'm very inclined to eat my supper before mail call and this meal that they deliver to me at the door usually arrives around 6:00 more of a bedtime snack..

Last night's mail call was fun because Carol  was here ---- not from Wisconsin as previously rumored but from one of the Carolinas again that seems to make the news an awful lot lately between Gwen and Janine both moving there.. it was interesting for Gwen to see how smoothly a camera person can just come right in and slide right into place know where everything is--- know who's who --- well we're supposed to do and what needs being done which she did very nicely as did Mary who who's somewhere between here and California and will return in a few days weeks maybe.. it is it is certainly reassuring you all  have a whole army of  help behind me at the moment as I've decided in my old age that I'm entitled to become even more ornery---

So before anybody decides I've taken a turn for the worse let's say I just turned back to previous orneriness.. we had a nasty close call between a car and Wanda and it made me realize”.   I don’t need to LET just  ANYONE  drive through my front yard . 

---  all cars NOT DELIVERING food  TO MY “BUILDING 67”.... should go to the parking lot. OR  park down on the street whatever but I'm tired of them driving too aggressively .... too fast ... parking on the grass...  or in the way....I WOULD HAVE MUCH PREFERRED A 5 mph speed limit and  HAPPY “GOOD MORNING SMILE” INSTEAD OF A FLIPPED BIRD.   But,  That is not what is happening. ...

Commercial vehicles delivering will be allowed—all others should go to tHe paRKING PIT—THAT IS WHAT IT IS FOR......and walk thru the dog’s play yard/flat field.  to get to the barn.  It is even closer that way.. One job in the next few days is to get the appropriate signage up.-

Well first I have to figure out who makes these  signs....

Monday, January 22, 2024

 dd 22

It's tough to keep track who's coming and going here---  Wanda is here---- Mary brought her back having had her over the weekend ---well I thought Mary be here before leaving for someplace else but sh e must have left or wanda would  not be my cabin..  Mary has some other places to go and then willll be back in a while and I really can't keep it all straight however—the CALENDAR KNOWS !!!---- we have a job today to do at the Council on Aging and the report ( SEE—THAT WAS TO BE “in newburyport and” but dictation screws up again...  )---- I'm hoping Carly and little bit---(little bit was to be Elizabeth) can do it I think they're both lined up----  I would love to have Carly try the chicken but you really can't try the chicken with larkey------and not me...  newbyport has a  very interesting program where they offer coffee to the police every so often in a  meet meet your policeman deal which I think is very interesting..   there are a couple other assisted living places in Newbury that we have not nailed down yet I'm waiting for Judy to get back here to get them in rotation not too difficult to get to Newburyport and we're a lot of them all together so if we could ever do 2A day one of the problems is two of them have a very similar name but I never can keep them straight but that is come on dictation is stuck Judy’s job.


Mary suggested we start the dry shampoo on the dogs as she thought winter was getting a bit too odifferous – we do have some around here. Biogroom’s dry shampoo--- makes white white and smells realllllllly good.. I bet it is in 25......

 I have this “closet” called. Door 25—which is the old meat cutting shack--- built in2  days--- I think---anyway It is packed to the door with things that would not fit in the cabin.. very similar to “fibber magee and molly’s closet.”.. 


This forced isolation in the cabin is “allowing” me to get to do some bookie things I have avoided for 2 years???? Like banking--- under the right names...


I got to watch bud figure out the pellet stove.... he does like to read manuals—which told him he needed a spec vacuum to do a proper job--- which is the only kind of job bud does... so we now have the cleanest pellet stove in mass...  and I do believe—the slowest to get going again.... it makes me nervous—once running it continues. But if interrupted, it can take ½ hour to rethink  itself and get going again...


Also I am watching gwen  fix the printer--  I have an amazing ability to cause things to need to be fixed...

Sunday, January 21, 2024

 dd 1 21

Finally live again thanks to nick and one solid wire that I never would think would be the way it travels --- at any rate he put in 500 '  of  a wIRE

between the house and the cabin which had a solid copper core any rate that carries everything on the one solid core and then a can looking shoe box thing  behind my chair which apparently then splits it into television and Internet and things like that I could not believe I thought the wire coming across was extremely complicated with at least 100 different whatevers but apparently they all come through on one copper Core. ..


Now the problem is it's not hung in the trees and his assumption is with one copper core that if not too many people drive over it we may be all set however I don't seem to be able to get people to park on the parking pit. 


Moving on to the food situation I want was a tremendous fan of the clam chowder made by  BLOUNT--or something very close to that which I ordered from food savers frozen in about 12 inch long bags frozen solid. their shrimp and corn chowder wasn't too bad either..  I just found something in Costco the same bags frozen so they look very similar but you know it just isn't the same clam  chowder..  and that's all I have for breakfast actually I have both of eggs from Elizabeth Barnard bunch..   I do like  the prepared things...


Gwen( daughter) will be arriving this afternoon-  we could almost identify  people ‘s visit with what food  gets  exploited..  with gwen there have been lobster lunches for $90.00 at  Browns in  see brook--or the chicken Stew which lasted for months  frozen -  ohh who  could forget Mary and the sweet roll production the second batch of which very well-- so much so Elizabeth that became diabetic and we had to tone that down---   this visit could be the corn relish ----if I had my way.  somehow I missed out on fresh corn season last fall even with the number one corn producer right up the street from me marie's farm--  and with corn relish I should be doing it with fresh corn but we got to practice on something---- my mother used to make awfully  good doing corner;ish  and it was a  painless  vegetable sort of thing..  Like broccoli salad-- raw broccoli with bacon and the things.....


I tell you when you're stuck in the house you can't even make it out the front door the desperate for amusement.

fortunately someone sent me a book about the 4th industrial revolution-I don't know who sent  it --why they thought I would be interested in that title but I certainly AM---  and I'm nearly halfway through in a day--  dealing with things like AI Internet 3D printing whole bunch of very interesting things that could and might be already happening..  mostly it is tackled from the standpoint of what it will do to the labor force..  and that certainly is a problem ----one statistic which I can't remember exactly but the concept was very real ohh the number of people involved in the production of the autos in Detroit and the growth is the product to which they contributed with that number of people compared to the number of people producing three times the gross national product in  Silicon Valley---I'm sure my numbers aren't quite right there but the concept


I can remember-----   when my sister got involved with politicsat about 10 years old..... and she try to interest me first by telling me if truman  got elected the world would come to an end-- which worried me for days---and then she went on about how if we replaced the agricultural workers with a great big tractor then all those agricultural workers could go to work in the factory building tractors---- this book from the 4th industrial revolution was really quite concerned with the same sort of thing by saing that doesn't always work out that way........the author is  a very knowledgeable sort of fellow--and I am thoroughly enjoying the book but I do think he's not giving proper attention to the labor force distribution---  and the other thing totally missing is production of   drinking water


he gets into great length of the jobs most prone tp automation.  --which would include insurance appraisers umpires the real estate brokers where those least prone to automation would be #1 mental health and substance abuse workers physicians and surgeons psychologists and choreographers????..


I suffer with the  already invasive AI--- which seems to be getting worse because the dictation goes farther afield than it used to. I didn't mind it figuring out thatm my use of the sound hey   was hay-- but some of the latest combinations don't make any sense and I find myself really good awful lot almost to the point of not dictating sometimes

all the joys of everything being misspelled the first leg....   see that was first place not looking... leg

I will quit while I'm ahead

here is a donk protectingsheep-- he has the wolf by the ear and he does not let go!  and kills it !!

Friday, January 19, 2024

 dd 19

Goldy is at it again.. it doesn't sound like much but I have a new coffee cup today -----in the cabin....... there has been only one coffee cup here that's big enough to take the third button on the Keurig coffee maker... it says “Boss Lady “   and I've had that cup for years and then I find that Janine is also drinking out of the same coffee cup for the same reason sometimes when I'm through with my first cup to wash it out and have her first cup etcetera and today when I went To reach for that cup it was in the dishwasher but there was a cop slightly larger on the shelf... and I found it will take the 3rd button brewed coffee from the kerig...  now I have opened every package that has arrived here the last six months or a year I've opened them online and I don't ever remember getting this slightly large coffee cup....  And I've certainly never walked into a store and bought 1 so I have not a clue where that cup came from...   but however. GOLDY...  seems to have found a way to get it in our coffee rotation and I find that very interesting...  because I don't know how that happened.  there are so many things around here which defy reason...  Simple things like the coffee cup-- which I suppose could have been left here by somebody who was working on the place--but -- however it got here I prefer to think it was planted by Goldy...   Unfortunately I don't always have time to notice but thinking back to the brand new pair of shoes -- my  size ---still little sealed shoebox... found upstairs during some mail call  when I was complaining about having sneakers that were too tired for reasonable work... all the way to Mary showing up the help out with Judy  on vacation.. there have been so many ----the purple frying pans are a favorite...


Speaking of pieces of the puzzle which make up goldys  farm---  let's look at my rope collection?    between the boxes of brass... spools  of rope.. snaps... rings of all sizes... Including a 5 gallon pail of  pieces of rope too short to use...  I bet my rope collection value has something into at least 4 digits !!

I am totally enjoying being the Johnny Appleseed of the monkey fists..  I cannot tell you the simple pleasures I have given to so many people by giving them a monkey fist...  with the marble inside... so in case they lose their marbles they have one left..   everyone in the last two hospitals who in any way assisted me got a monkey AS A  thank you...   including one of the big names  at Beth Israel.. who came back into my room the doubly thank me for the monkey fist and the joy it had just given her in a very busy day..

With that in mind it would be criminal for me to sit around and do nothing...  when it less than 10 minutes at a cost of less than $2.00 ( which is the cost of the snap) I can pass on a  smile or two.


Ok....   Wwe all can't live forever--- who is to carry on My monkey fist distribution should I not be able to continue ?  Who has it's significant intellectual curiosity--- time--- financial resources ---- to deal --- with the strings and marbles--  which are the details that are the monkey fist movement?    I would like to leave this collection to someone who at least might attempt carry on the concept of a simple pleasures---  very similar to walking the dog through some of these assisted living places...  or having Carly walk through with the chicken on her head...   There are so many ways to pass on a simple “lift” to those people working very hard trying to keep their head above water financially or  intellectually ---  as the poem says... “there  is only one lifter for 20 who lean...”--- so I struggle  to  identify what some might consider the idiot fringe of people capable coping with the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune --- as per hamlet “To be or not to be? Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them…” 


The somewhat loose association goalys warriors... Shows amazing resilience... and every morning I check to see how the henny penny is doing consider that activity  a definite vote of confidence.


so we bash on--  with  one foot firmly planted in midair..we take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing(hopefully ) end them…” 

frozen toilet paper--- now here is the creativity of which i speak !!

Inline image

Thursday, January 18, 2024

 18 shortie

wow----i really got sidetracked.... someone handed me a paper pile of bank records i had not seen before- and putting together a financial puzzle consumed  the next 14 hours....
now both hungry and sleepy , i am not good for much...

it is so icy out that. i can't get out of the cabin anyway. so i am now amusing myself with bent icicles---when a drip forms and the wind blows.... that is my additional excitement...

once the gag order is truely lifted... i can publish fun stuff again....
think positive!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

 short doggie 1 17

Short doggie...

I don't see how I can go out today I don't even think I got out the front we're stuck. I guess I can just go back to reading writing—At least I will be well greased more like all that medication suggested by the hospital regarding itch....   I can't says it's working...


I am totally lacking inspirqtion—it happens !!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

 jan 16

I was supposed to go to court today, but------- there does seem to be a significant   snowstorm going on .  though I’m  used to driving in the snow delivering magazines.   I hesitate ask someone else to  Get Me Out court... a few complications like job I don't care (WOW THAT WAS TO BE ADULT CARE--- THE FAcT THAT DICTATION PUT OUT ...”I DON’T CARE” IS AMUSING!!!!)


So many of these places we go to are literally maybe that---- there's a last resort someone has an aging relative not capable of caring for themselves really needs to be somehow fed and warm and things like that so they do the best they can but it's a pretty grim environment are worse than others for sure... most places have a activity director..   ran out of budget long ago and it's nearly impossible to be creative seven days a week  as witnessed sometimes by my pathetic daily doggie....


Nick ( eliz husband nick) provided yesterday's amusement because he bought some complicated furniture Boston office renovation say he found Facebook and when he got at home the cabinet was full of electronic equipment which they sold with the cabinet---is certainly spectacular -----notably stainless steel tripod which will hold up a camera that is smaller than any of the knobs levers used to control the tripod...  it has nearly 180°--  somehow he hooked up microphone deal so if we do get you mail call today somebody could figure out how to turn all this off we should be spectacularly clear things like that..


I am totally appalled and he can find electronic equipment.. look it up on line...  understand what all that means... put it all together into a working system...  in the meantime he got my printer  with a wire.  not getting messages on my computer about the computer not being able to find printer..  this would be huge progress.. no one wants to go up the ladder from the wires....


Speaking of ladders----   I hope I can recreate--- nick up on a  ladder-- trying to raise the wire over the driveway so the trash truck make it in and out... and he  asked Elizabeth to steady the bottom of the ladder.. gets her foot on it  and hangs on with her one arm....which point the four goats who are  in that pasture decided that their friend Elizabeth had  come to visit...  furthermore she likes to play..  play to.  them is standing  up on their hind legs as they come down banging their head against something...   and in this case it was Elizabeth trying to sturdy the ladder with their husband 20 feet in the air... ---- and he does not like heights....

It was a good scene....

Reminiscent of the day  I had to get Janine on the roof  of the house. With a fire extinguisher in one hand,  In her Victoria secret outfit---  with a  7 foot ladder for a 9 foot gap – to extinguish the roof fire before teh  big trucks ( and many big firemen) arrived....


Life on the farm at least allows humor to develop

Monday, January 15, 2024

 jan 15 

I started watching some Facebook photo about Janine and Elizabeth doing mail call together and I can only understand about every third word so I flicked down and ran into Anna fed out fedora ohh FEDOROVA and Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto #1 opus 23 what a wonderful performance that was I wish I could find more of the same of her fantastic pianist and terrific orchestration um chaikovsky that's not spelled correctly well I'll leave you to figure that out---I sat through the whole performance..  if I could do one 100th of what her little finger did I would be super happy,,, 

That performance was certainly something I could enjoy 100% even though my hearing is decidedly reduced I could hear and and feel the music far better than anything I have seen or heard in maybe years... one doesn't go out of one's way to call up chaikovsky on the Internet but I may do that now...  or see if my friend over there on the wall Alicia or whatever her name is couldn't find it for me.   


When I was younger much younger I could remember being dragged to concerts at the high school which mind you is only across the street ----well my mother was part of some group that tried to bring in classical music to Newburgh NY and they had some good performances there so many though that I do recognize an awful lot of Mozart and Tchaikovsky and things like that even if at five years old I didn't appreciate it at all....  and certainly as I got into high school and became part of the music department I was far better at the coral groups than I was in things like the band where I just could not make my fingers do what fingers were supposed to do much to everyone's dismay.


it was almost as ridiculous as the two years of Spanish I took in high school so when I got to college I could take some exam to see whether I could skip taking Spanish in college which I totally failed and had to take two years of Spanish in college which along with the 500 word spelling test took up a great deal of my education---- however I made it

Somewhere along the line I decided I had a goal of owning a perfect Harlequin Great Dane stud dog---  and that certainly was Bentley..  I don't think there was a fault to him he was perfectly trained he behaved perfectly always he produced a lot of great children which helped a lot of people.  Another was to prove to everybody that I could train a perfect service dog which was thanks to Bella--- George was recognized as #1 service dog in the country by the AKC--I have to admit Megan and many others helped bring him along people like Pam and Donna..  who basically did as I asked we managed to put together a perfect dog..


So I did all that and now my concentration is trying to keep a roof over my head and warm and fed and healthy ----a little bit anyway-- between pills and shots nobody better light a cigarette next to me or I will explode.


I have come to appreciate our automatic generators...  I had a call from our neighbor Debbie-- because apparently something probably rats had knawed  away the wiring in the transformer right outside her house so she had nothing and was trying to keep her pipes from freezing..  I've been to that road so many times trying to keep the dogs in the barn warm and using every bit of warmth to its best advantage..  at one point I did have a heating duct go. along the back of their raised sleeping loss which carried the heat from the feed room down to kennel 10 and as it passed through the other kennels I poked a hole nail hole or two as it went along which allowed warm air to escape and the dogs could lay up against that pipe which in itself was warm but there was a little bit of a warm breeze out of it that kept them  warm many winters.

I still had to face the fact that if we lost power we lost heat and there was nothing I could do about that until I did bite the bullet and buy 3 automatic start generators the house the laundry in the barn..notably the only one missing is the guest cabin but we have two emergency extension cables out the back door in case it happens again I do need just a little bit of electricity to keep the pellet stove going.


I am reminded of the days when I had a little bit of electricity because I had some kind of inverter that I plugged into my car and I could make the heater run for a few minutes and hopefully keep the place from freezing--  and it was movable between buildings---  inverter is a word out of my past but they still are around somewhere I think


I do have a doctor's appointment today in spite of the fact it is some sort of holiday Martin Luther King I think I don't know --- Well I should be around I don't know if that includes mail call

Sunday, January 14, 2024

 dd 1 14

I have no idea how or why computer I s now working--- I know mary did something with her phone and nick was on a ladder in the yard.... far be it for me !!!


More. IS.  less.... back to That

Sitting here again with nothing much to do because the television's out and the rest of the entire place is sound asleep I'm looking around to see How the cabin is filling up... it will very soon be in a situation of overload..


So why on earth do I need the old scale out of Tom's old office where you stood on the platform and moved the weights One Direction or another to see how much you weighed----- I like that scale----- that is why ---- And I've been trying to get it into the cabin and out of the rain---somehow I'm hoping it will still clean up but it is sitting in the weather waiting for someone to give it a boost... it'd be perfect to hang all my jackets on and it is such an interesting relic...  but it's an uphill battle starting with Janine now Elizabeth ----what do you want that old thing for?  . I like that old thing that's why... like I like my huge cast iron stove which I also keep with me about wherever I go it's hardly what you carry around in your pocket... But it's an interesting relic.


I remember-----here we go--University of Edinburgh--

the physical society an interesting collection of exceedingly bright people I was so far out of my class it was semi pathetic but they did allow me to join and very quickly gave me the title  of   “RELIC”--- they were a creative bunch and every meeting was opened by taking the big box of physical relics and setting them one at a time up on the  on the desk... so that everyone could show proper respect for the relics—an odd collection which included a copper hip bath--the kind you see in old western movies-  the rest included a doorknob—a rock and 3 or 4 other hand sized – no one remembered why several were included---but they all fit in the hip bath.  I am sure by now when my name is read as a relic... no one knows who or why---doesn’t matter ---

they are all showing the British type respect for something long gone by !! it doesn’t hurt anyone...


mary is making good use of my pieces of rope too short to use.... as she splices away---as I move about--- I am coming to things like the many  pails  of “ones”. This is ½ of something important where the rest of the “unit” is “elsewhere”. Most noteably my police flashlight---- I reciently found the charger- tho i have not seen the flashlight in months—mayb e it will show up in pail labeled.....  “ones #14”


and of all the measuring tapes I have owned in my life.... now that I really need one... they have gone “elsewhere”


we are moving on.....

latest "what????" hystamine intollerance

need more info......