Sunday, April 7, 2024

 dd 4 7

Today's puppy project is working on 'stay'. ... he insists on following me everywhere I go so I'm now trying to work on stay and I'll be right back He's very very dedicated and cheerful... and oh how he loves water you just seen the picture of him playing with the water in his cage unfortunately he played with the water in the kitchen and tipped over a whole bucket which seems to have gone away I don't know where because we're on a cement slab but the floor seems dry at the moment their  have nothing left to mop up.


My other brilliant idea to report at the moment is janine's idea of washing grapes and putting them in the freezer----- she said that's her low calorie way of getting around ice cream that's really interesting.

I will feel an awful lot better ----or worse ---when the insurance people get into motion---  apparently the inspector had to wait until all snow was off the roof so he could see what happened---- it didn't seem to matter. that he could go in the house and look up at the roof and see what happened also..   but there are fringes that I am seeing apparently some of the heavier branches hit the heating unit By the front door... And the Internet cable to the cabin got stretched and broken..  Now repaired..  .


And the pieces of the farm in terrible disrepair not because of any tree fall but just poor management like  dog  runs.. off the nuthouse. Got taken down to provide the six foot fencing to keep the adult dogs in the puppy pen--- simple things like that but this farm was functioning very well ----very strangely at times but it was very operational now we don't have a place to turn dogs out because the fences have all been torn or destroyed by a tree whatever..   The other day we had eight cars down by the barn instead of in the parking lot..  Making it a super challenge to try and turn the trailer around.. and I wanna keep that trailer hooked up and ready to go because I'm now signed up to go to these daycare  4 or 5 days a week...  a donkey and a horse and a dog or whatever and I can't  or I won't because I shouldn't have to make 8 phone calls to go out and do my job. 


Cloud is doing a super job of illustrating the activity... I think last month our count was 146 people entertained...and as for the other people who are using goldies farm. .    i did ask dana to leave behind the huge stumps--- I remembered the veterans were looking for  ”seats”  of the woodland variety... with this house/tree collision, we now have even more ”SOONS and LATERS and  incredible number AFTERS and NEXT’S ”.... for undone projects... while our activity at amusing the day care folk is blooming.... with almost more requests  than we can handle...ALMOST !!!!


But we are on it !!!