Friday, April 12, 2024

 dd 4 12

I got an interesting letter from the insurance company which was to let me know that there was a state law than if they had any damage of more than $1000 that they had to notify the state and town and it was three things----the building inspector the health inspector and I can't remember the third ---  I believe Janine already notified the building inspector and Elizabeth has contacted Boyne falls which was the cedar house builder that I think built it to see if there's any structural questions that we need to figure out. 

 I know the insurance inspector went over the whole place pretty thoroughly and according to Elizabeth picked up a few things she hadn't seen before And since to day there was supposed to be heavy rainfall that'll help identify anything else..  but the question does remain about the structure.

personally I don't think there is a structural problem , But what do I know. the damage seems to be in one corner of the

building.   You have to pick your experts very carefully especially when you're women and old ones... one man explain to Elizabeth how the rafters in the ceiling we're just decorative =====? somehow I don't think so I don't see how that roof would stay up if those rafters weren't there but he had great length explained to Elizabeth that they weren't necessary. you take a building with an A shape..  and the side walls end up holding up the roof.  well what do I know---


Yesterday anne AKA Denmark ann drove me to our job in Danvers at the seasons we're in a very disheveled format we entertain people for about 45 minutes with larkey sizzle and noodles///. From the front it looks like a rather small place but those have to be the longest corridors and I really wish I'd had my Walker--so I'll make note of that for next time.


today I think Debbie my next door neighbor 's going to join me to go to the senior daycare in Peabody trask?  where we can practice running dogs back and forth ---OK and the dog food maybe I'll get a good enough photograph to be able to write the article for tomorrow's newspaper----otherwise I'm stuck for a topic and a photograph.


I would really like to establish regular help slash drivers for three or four days a week so the Judy can stay home here and get other stuff done... the stuff in the other stuff department is overflowing. And Judy who was totally exhausted two days ago is considerably better with one serious day of rest. that's gotta say something.

dog training in day care centers is two fold,,,,