Tuesday, April 2, 2024

 dd 4 2 

Dd 4 2 -

How can going to a Hospice be fun--- but it was..  I think this started out with Judy hearing about an older woman in Hospice who wanted to pat a donkey as one of her main bucket list  items.....  Judy mentioned it to Janine and Janine said of course we can and put into motion actually accomplishing getting one of the mini donkeys at that woman's bedside or chair side whatever.. That of course involved Elizabeth who is pretty much donkey manager.. and she had to pick who she thought was the best to go upstairs if we had to..  and she suggested that we also take a pony with us..  a nice little tiny awfully fat pony..


To actually accomplish this I could track back the education necessary for a good 30-40 years... however let's go with just this week which of course meant  argument with three or four people about which triple hitch belonged on which vehicle and why that process took considerable effort until my triple hitch appeared on my desk I don't know how it got there...  so I put that on on my car---- filled the tank with gas--- hooked up the trailer--- check the lights that almost work and  told Elizabeth to make sure the donkey and pony loaded without any difficulty---so after considerable effort at getting a white pony anywhere as near white she put the two on the trailer and we were off down the driveway.


I don't want to insinuate that Swampscott is anywhere as near California but it certainly seems that way you can't get there by any road that would carry a tractor trailer---  whenever you have to go to either Swampscott or Marblehead just add an hour travel time..  so we provided for that and we got there at 10:00...   “there” was a Hospice situation". very closely associated with many apartments around a considerable parking lot..  And after a woman came out of the apartment and suggested we just park in the middle and try not to block anyone which seemed to work out fine. The group of friends of the very old woman began to gather.. chairs were brought out and we spent an hour. Just hanging out with about 30 very happy smiling people.... including the woman who is pushing 95 years old. Sliced carrots arrived... and a man appeared with a carefully sliced apple as an offering to the hastily gathered group. Our fry pans kept little fingers away from hungry equines.... Janine disappeared with the donk and horse... and a very young child leading the horse....i don’t think I have ever seen Janine more relaxed and enjoying her equine skills than with that group of people- pure enjoyment....


And I thought back to the years of struggling to find a trailer ride. for a blue ribbon at the topsfield fairgrounds--- or dying all her underwear to her “stable colors” for the 50 mile ride in vermont..... or running around with a towel to wipe off her boots for the Thanksgiving Hunt at myopia—horses have always—til now—been a hugely labor intensive struggle to  impress someone else—i think we have graduated.....

Now--- we/ judy,Janine, and i.. have the experience necessary to have other people enjoy them..  and what a relief that is !  as I sat there not giving a damn if her boots were dusty—we had 30 people smiling and laughing....


Those darn blue ribbons only cost $.15 – while the smile on the faces of all those people was invalulable... plus there are over 1000 “camera people”....worldwide....  who donate $10 a month to goldys farm to keep our gas tanks  full---and they watch our shenanagins mon to fri at 5PM mail call.  PLUS THESE CAMERA PEOPLE DONATE THINGS LIKE HAM  DINNERS TO KEEP OUR TUMMIES FULL TOO !!


We all had a good time.