july 1 2022
melissa reminded me of the substitute service dog... the BACK POCKET. FOR THE NEWS ARTICLE --- so my head is on that,,
i must be able to write a news article about tight bluejeans replacing canes crutches, walkers and elbows..... really the back pocket has much more controlled
movement of up down right left-- and we have not yet had a WHOOPS. PANTS FALLING DOWN...
the other thing in my head is...... gwen and i enjoyed a big lobster roll each. $65.00 with that in mind.... if you were running a catering company and were to supply a 1 pound lobster.. 10 oz steak. 1/2 chicken corn plus plates etc. set up and cooked here. ( staff... trucks... gas....) for 100 people...how much would. / could you charge.?
thn a new obsession...
apparently in mass... it is now illegal to throw "materials"...( cloth clothing sheets blankets). away-- they must be recycled..... unless chemically contaminated... or wet, moldy....all the ripped torn , cut up, whatever....are ok... . rugs, shoes, apparently there are ECO drop boxes being placed around... in ??? school parking lots????
i got this out of the newspaper... i don't know what newspapers are doing about verifying stories... remember the old ny times editor???? you had to "get things past the editor" -- an expression lost on the younger "kids"
well... my back pocket story is real... and i will stand by it.