july 8 2022
i am listening to the fact that sinzu abe was assinated in japan...how quickly they have come up with his biography... makes me wonder alot of things
is there a data file of biographies on all public figures. just in case they get shot???
home made gun? what next?? i would not know where to start... a pipe and a hammer???
so much for that overnight's sleep... a dozen monkeyfists later......
time to write the daily doggie..
it occurs to me... we could be better organized (nawwwww... realllllly?)
we have this dd at 7am. mail call at 5--- and why not on every day have a meet the dog--- or todays dog special-- like 3:30 which would then go to. 4pm feeding and 5pm mail call...and keep it totally impromptu. anyone near the icu at 3:30 is to rush into the room and sit and talk for a few minutes about the dog they just had out doing something. there are enough people around so someone should be available.
this would not be a "how to.".. but a "what just happened." type discussion....
there are sooo. many people who are very interested in every detail. of what we do--- we could deliver more entertainment and education....
i just wrote the news article for next week--- it is on training a service dog to go up the stairs... next week i will do "down".. not intensly fascinating....but a different thought.
i can not believe how many people are fascinated by who comes and goes in our driveway--- we ought to be able to deliver something more educational. the bar is set pretty low...