Thursday, June 30, 2022

 june 30 2022

Piet-----i am to the point of saying no news is not good. news.... they are finding nothing... as of last night... there are a few studies yet toi come in-- but it is sounding a little familiar with the  "big foot "  disease i have encountered many times before with george..... little difference --- it is one back foot instead of one front which was the usual...  but the very high temp was part of it.--   i will post on the comment column if we get any  news.

2 big pushes of he day....
try and get teh  bonding room set for human and is the back of the laundry building-- which was once janine's bedroom-- and lynns we want to set it up with queen size bed... and big sofa available somehow... i think we can come up with a tv( out of lynns office) couple tables... maybe a chair if w3e are lucky--- and of course... a coffee maker...  we will have to remove all other dogs-- and there should be plenty of room ,,, now that the nutt a d deagle houses have fencing repaired,

and sec ond Push is to have a look at teh 17 pups-- and how they are growing and moving,  we still 

have not picked the usual 2 breeders. 

welcome to my whacko computer---- apparently  it thinks that should be  bold.

speaking of that
yesterday wandering around looking for breakfast-- i was on a back/ narrow  road beyond georgetown. which did have one yellow line in teh middle.....--- not a car in sight front or back,,,, it is my habit to ride in the middle of such a  road..... however..... this new car ( toyota roadrunner) did not think it was aappropriate and started with the bells and whistles and a sign on the dash that said ...."don't you think you should take a coffee break?"

now really !!!!