july 21 2022
The heat.. I think we need an overall plan of if anybody wants to come in early and get their chores done and all the animals taken care of before 9:00 o'clock that's probably not a bad idea and it just plain have everybody in the air conditioning as best we can and in the case of the hooked stock hooved ha got it they can find shelter under the trees or in the shade somehow we do have fans going doing the best we can and as long as they don't have to go and get anything they should be fine the stalls maybe a mess for a bit but that's just going to have to be the way it is till Matt gets back and straighten us all out again it's just too hot to do too much more and we are organized and we can take care of the basics and keep running water and then my favorite the spray water for the dogs and ourselves I will make sure we have cleaned spray bottles fields of you sit in front of a fan end spray water it's really not too bad..
rumor has it or at least the commercials done by misters and that air cool company say that this spraying water in front of a fan will reduce temperature 30 or 40 degrees and I do think well maybe 20 to 30 but that's a big help just sitting in front of the fan and spray that water right across the breeze of the fan and we may get through these few days although I did hear something about weeks.. there's no way we can train any animal to do anything in this heat so all activities should take place before 9:00 o'clock and after that I think we ought to just coast for a while.
My my big discovery with my spreadsheet that I had great fun developing was the old Dewey decimal system that libraries use where if you're sorting something by number ------you can have your first number Be. 100. then for the next check that's almost like whatever it was you had in 100 but not really the same thing you could have 100.1. And if it gets more complicated you can go to 100.15--- and they'll all sort very nice order... And there's literally no end to where you can go with that concept... 100 years ago when I was in the magazine business I categorized all my checks.-- number 10 was auto, 18 was insurance, 36 where big things that had to be depreciated and it went on and on and on and I still use the same numbers 67 is veterinary care and 64 was my children.... I actually don't know what quickbook does but it's an awful lot more complicated... with mine if I have any question I put it all under #1 knowing that I'll go back and straighten it out and the way you straight it out... in my world. of multi typos is to. “ fill down”. So that all the misspellings at least match... one of the more common problems in sorting things is to inadvertently put a space in front of whatever it is you're typing and you could lose things that way--- in my spreadsheet manner it's easy to find---make a mistake like that in QuickBooks and you could look for a long time.
sorting is what a computer does best... If you get the data organized correctly you can have 4000 entries and push a button and show me all the January and before you get your finger off the button you have the list you're looking for..
I can remember-----here we go----I was in on installing the first medical billing computer in Massachusetts---and that's where I learned the fact that if insurance had not given your problem a four digit number then you just weren't sick and you weren't gonna get any insurance coverage unless you could come up with a four digit number of what ailed you... This is back when ----and it probably still is true---a laceration was billed out by how many stitches it took to sew it up... and I remember my husband saying to a plastic surgeon. “how the hell did you get 12 stitches in that tiny laceration” and the plastic surgeon saying “ now the mother can go home and brag about how many stitches it took to sew up that scratch on her kid”
There were awful lot of funny stories. in the behind the scenes of his medical practice.. And there were times when his receptionist was sick and I had to fill in---- would you believe it?? Right now every time I think of a story I could tell I back up and think well maybe I shouldn't say that... You never know who's related to who.
Well there is one story..... historically a woman could not get birth control pills unless she had a pap smear within a year.... Now you have veterinarians saying a dog cannot have a rabies shot unless they have a full physical exam for $100 or whatever... why does that sound so similar? .....there was nothing wrong with the fire dept. I think tractor supply occasionally has a clinic for $15,... but the concept holds
I was in the process of installing that medical billing computer one night when I came home -----mixed myself with Southern Comfort Manhattan that proceeded the story about me and the Ipswich police.. me ending up in jail mug shot fingerprints and looking for an extra $6 because I only had $14.00 with me and they wanted $20 bail... so they gave me a cop car to drive me over to ANN’s at 11:00 o'clock at night and she had $6 in coins so I could pay bail and go home.
And all of that was because I didn't know I had an order to go to court over a leash law violation.... because someone had put the notice in my mailbox out on the street and I never got it so I didn't show up and courts get very upset about that sort of thing.... however they threw out the leash law violation... because they animal control officer at that point 40 years ago had never come out to see the fact that dog might have been loose.
I do have a history.
Because of that police record---- I also can no longer get a top secret security clearance which I once had. dammitt