Wednesday, March 17, 2021

mar 17 2021


so here is a beginner chicken STORY and let it be known I'm not a chicken expert just someone who managed to raise some chickens somehow and got a lot of experience along the way.
It is such a really good idea if you have any kind of yard or whatever to have a couple of chickens instead of a rabbit IN A “COOP”. because chickens will eat almost anything out of your kitchen leftover ......they'll eat each other if you're not careful.... but any rate they'll produce eggs ........apparently an egg laying chicken will produce one egg every 36 hours so here's a small lesson on those for those people who are thinking of I those cute little baby chickens .....
I get mine usually from stromburg chicks there Minnesota or someplace like that.....And before you get too far there's two kinds of chickens one is to produce eggs and the other is the produce meat .......the difference between them IS how much food it takes to produce an adult chicken who will be either one or the other.... so even though the meat chickens do lay eggs IT is  not  as often as the egg laying chickens-----at any rate they basically hatch baby chickens by the millions and they're all set to hatch on a by Tuesday they have had someone come in and  SORT  them into boy chickens and girl chickens.... after which on Tuesday they will pack them for OVERNIGHT   mailing either Tuesday or Wednesday so by Thursday your post office should have them at 6:00 o'clock in the morning and will call you------ and that's kind of how it works.....
. I used to have to do this if they needed baby chickens for some movie or another or TV commercial whatever and my critical thing here is the whole chicken world Hatches checks on Monday the part the TV producers have trouble with is that a four day old baby chicken does not look like a two day old baby chicken because they begin to get a little feather on their side that any director who knows his stuff is not going to accept a four day old check in as a two day old chicken ...... any rate you get these chickens and there is some formula about how you must keep them at 95 degrees for the first X number of days after which you can go down 5 degrees every few days or week or whatever there is a formula ......point is you gotta keep him warm when I did this I needed 100 chickens for something and the only place I could keep them warm was it our bathroom somewhere there is a picture of my husband and a towel shaving with 100 baby chickens around his feet

moving on TO  SHaron in her kitchen ..  They are absolutely darling for about the 1st three days at which time either the chicks or the Mush they have made out of their food gets QUITE odiferous .. And that food has to be chick starter which is medicated . 

you will see all sorts of ads about chickens that are not raised on antibiotics or whatever ,  I tried raising baby chickens without the medicated food they all died ...... so I never did that again.... plus I no longer believe the fact that baby chicks aren't at least started on medicated food.......from there you can "be raised". on regular food very after X number of weeks ..So shARON  now has three week old chickens and figured "I'll just put them outside next week."  ..... well you won't if it's going to be 40 degrees because that's not going to work have to pay attention to that formula ...whatever it is.... s mommy nature knows what she's talking about when it comes to keeping chicks warm and you can have all sorts of arrangements like heating lamps and things like that but you better pay attention to it ..

the other concern about ordering checks in the Mail is that usually you have to order 25 and they come in a tiny little box not much bigger than a shoebox with holes in it..... these chicken raising people are pretty good at sexing them but invariably you will get a boy chicken which will grow up to be a rooster...... which will not please your neighbors..... so you and the rest of the world are confronted with the children having a pet rooster. AND THE  neighbors don't want  PET you have to find someplace to dispose of boy. chickens ..   Boy chickens are totally unnecessary in the egg laying Department ....these chickens will lay eggs without the boy but the eggs they lay will not hatch unless you have a boy rooster .. FACED WITH THE CONCEPT OF A PET WHO IS A ROOSTER.......

I have had many Roosters just appear in my group of chickens because somebody ...I'm sure.... just throws THEM  over the fence and  TELLS THEIR KIDS HE WENT TO LIVE ON A FARM>>>>>>I didn't really think anybody else had this problem until Janine had her horses over at Meredith farm and they have that problem of Roosters being tossed over the fence from the street........ so Janine BEING very helpful soul just collected ONE  and threw them over my fence....... I'm told you can't have more than one rooster with a bunch of chickens but that certainly is no longer true .....I have four of them .....and one of them is a relative pet.TYPE  rooster....... he likes some people and he chases everybody else........ as long as they're all living quietly together I don't really care ...   they've managed to get out of their fence make them stay inside the  FENCE..  I would have to clip one wing (you don't clip both wings 'cause they could still fly)  you clip one make  EM FLY around IN   circles ..

I HAVE NEW APPRECIATION  FOR CHICKENS  NOW THAT THESE ARE “FREE ROAMING”.  They are far more intelligent at getting out of their pen that I am at keeping them in the pan I gave up and they wander all over.... but they are also very good training for the dogs and puppies...... you don't chase chickens...... as a matter of fact you don't get near Roosters...... Roosters like to chase people and puppies ......with my blessing 
when my kids were little we had a really nasty rooster who used to chase THEM.  all the time and taught them a great deal of respect for small things .
Moving on   to a new discovery about banks and security and being deaf and letting somebody help by letting them use the phone.

linda stayed home after her second cov shot...

i got a strange message from tdbank.. so i sent it to her

linda at home.....on a different computer..had a problem logging on...
 so they sent a 6 digit number to my cell... HERE IN MY HOUSE
i took down 2 different 6 digit numbers and sent them to linda-- 
who.. from her computer.. it did not match
they said to call.... so i did....
Lotsa numbers.. account  etc.  IT was not unlocking...
mara.. nice BANK lady .. from maine.. took her time with me/us...
because there was so much information she needed to unlock.. 
i said i was nearly deaf and i gave teh phone to donna
who whent thrU. name numbeRs etc.. 
yet mara wanted more... electronic deposits.. not in my job description.
 in search of numbers , donna gave me back the phone
mara made me go thru the name address bit again.. and finally said
" teh problem was the voice reconition did not work with donna on the phone...."

after which we made progress and mara said " we are just tryng to protect your account"
aNd i immediately thought of yul brynner. " the king and i"
 " if they have powers to protect me,.... might they not protect me out of all i own"