Thursday, September 7, 2023

 dd 9 7 

Today we have our first call for a adult care facility.......  at pilgrim house in peabody—“outside? They say???  Yes.. but to get outside we have to go thru considerable  building...  the outside they refer to ( in ;these’ places) are often  a 4 sided courtyard from which no one can escape..  got that?

Carly is going with us- to take the mini horse... 2pm    and we will need the “donkey trailer”  all with proper license plate—out of the pile of 7 on the floor of my car.  I honestly think we should take the spotted female donkey for company—and maybe only sizzle??? 


And before we do all that we need to p/u hay. Which we already decided no one could unload  it so we will just cover it “for now”


There are a lot of “for now’s” currently staring at me—most of which have to do with eliz and nick moving in AND ME OUT---WITH A HUGE QUANTITY WAITING FOR SPACE ON THE STREET WITH HOPES SOMEBODY NEEDS ALL THIS...NOT ALL CRAP...   there is a very nice pair of twin beds currently. “on the curb”

  nick has a deal  with their project.... he has the phone number  of someone with a few kids- and whenever he puts out age appropriate children items he calls her—and she just takes it all—toys/ clothes/ whatever...   I am not so lucky and look at my curb and think..??dumpster? 

the dumpster  vs transfer station is dependent on weight vs volume   And those  drop ceiling tiles are heavy –so dumpster ( by volume) would be cheaper.


There is a pretty steady “would you believe what they took?” conversation around here... of the current pile --- the first to go  was a tobagan. And a glass and iron medical table.. historically.. one of my most unusual “offerings” was a nearly new bathtub—it took a few days but finally someone backed up a truck and a few guys loaded it.


So back to the  entertaining the elderly. --- the  extra $$ from goldys  bank account should enable us to expand our project... and I have  my mind set on a 2’ x 4’ wagon. – which we already own and has the pink pig  sitting on it...) made into a bird cage--- for a variety of birds. Finches to parrots. Whatever I can borrow...... the first could simply be chickens... which we already have—especially carly’s house chicken. Which sits on her head...


I now have that back bumper carry all – so all we need  is the material to make a  rolling cage--- which we already have also...  between wood and pvc pipe we should achieve that soon.... cage/ crate in the car with the dogs— then put them in the  rolling cage between the double doors which all these nursing home type places seem to have...


I remember...... a full grown male peacock got away from me.. / us... in the Meridian hotel in Boston--- like a drunken 747 it flew across  the ballroom pleasing many and terrifying some.

I do not want to replicate that performance.. so to exchange birds from crate to cage and back .. must be done between the doors.. most of these places have room to manipulate a gurney --- so that would determine the size of our “bird department cage,


Keeping on keeping on.....