Monday, September 25, 2023

 sept 25

thank you carol ----commenting onmy $2500 Vet bill estimation....

The emergency vet fee- $2500.- reminded me of a friends "bucket list" trip to Africa recently. She was in Africa about to leave for a "safari"- tripped and fell breaking her ankle. Went to hospital- 7 x-rays and consult w/ doc- $12.00.



and to wrap up the toilet issue...

janine report

I wanted to provide a summary of the toilet issue in the Laundry. 

Last week, I dug around the septic and the pipe. There was no smell or evidence that the septic was failing. I added a bottle of Draino and purchased a toilet auger from Home Depot. We removed the toilet and used the auger to partially clear the pipe. When we pulled the auger from the pipe, there were remnants of a towel wrapped in the end of the auger.  

Overnight the auger and Draino solution worked enough to clear the entire pipe of water. On Friday, Spencer Home Services came out to evaluate the pipe and septic. Using an internal camera, he found a second blockage which was a massive wad of hand wipes. He used an industrial size auger to clear the pipe.  I kept several remnants of the towel and handwipes that were removed by the auger, the rest was pushed into the septic system.  

Spencer Home Services inspected the septic and confirmed that it was working properly. He recommended only light usage until the septic is pumped because the towel and hand wipes could cause the entire septic system to fail.

I also met with the Ipswich Board of Health and provided them with the same summary and showed them the remnants.  They will need to come out to confirm that the toilet is properly capped once the septic has been pumped. They removed James Teague as an occupant of the property.  All further communication between the Board of Health will go through me.

SDP should continue to use the portable toilet.


i know this is a busy place... but i didn't even know a James Teague was living here---to report the possible public health issue and suggest a title 5 investigation- how helpful !.... what more could i say? 

working on the 1" rope for safety lead lines for the donkey episodes coming up the end of the week.

fun !!! at last !!