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The slipping on of shoes--- how often does a advertisement saying “ do it this way it's easier” have unseen ramifications and I certainly have one which would be rare but I've already had it happen -----I have a pair of those shoes that slip on and off and they were in slipper mode when I was driving the car and they should have been in shoe mode where the heel was engaged.. does that make sense? well think about it because what happened I was pulling into a senior assisted living place very slowly luckily and a man backed out very quickly right in front of Me. I don't even remember reacting by slamming my foot on the brake---I did manage to get stopped before hitting him but I did notice that the whole maneuver of moving my foot from gas to brake had not gone quite as quickly as I thought the reason being my foot came out of the slipper fortunately very cleanly so I could stamp on the break with a bare foot and managed to stop the car---but the confusion of having my slipper tangled up with this emergency reaction made me stop and think ---this slip on and slip off with the shoes nowadays is going to cause a problem somewhere
While I'm at it ----the other ad that I find particularly offensive is the blowing of steam which they say is going to kill all bacteria and things like that in amazing places--- like the garbage disposal... however that steam may come out of the point of that thing at 212 degrees but before it's gone very far it's probably not much more than 102 especially through the pipes of a garbage disposal so that the steam is not sterilizing the garbage disposal- or probably much else....and ...who said bacteria in a garbage disoppsal is bad?? I go out of my way to pour helpful bacteria down the pipes
(And forti flora down the dogs----???? Isn’t that bacteria.. like yogurt???) do you want to get in to horse foals eating mommy’s stool to achieve the bacteria in the gut??—I think I better quit there... but that story goes an awful lot further !!!
The tipi tripod is up ! thanks to a husband of a donkey walker yesterday—no problem -- he lifted and I shoved “ the south pole” around to oppose the “door pole” and bingo it is standing...—really only for a sample/visual.. because I really needed at least 3/8 inch manilla /?hemp) rope—the brown scratchy kind—but I did not go to home depot and took what the coop had to offer. ¼ inch. So we should not try hanging on it in typical fashion—it is in place for PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY at the moment... I will get an official “read “; on it next time Dr Ray is here. Should be within a day or so... ******
Moving? Yes... getting there...