MAY 4. 2022
They mentally backed up a step.. and began to analyze the situation and I heard them go through the process of why don't we just clean off that corner and then clean off that stuff and put the stuff in the clean corner and keep going like that and we'll end up with a clean tent and my GOLLY.did it....
Somebody said that it couldn't be done but She with a chuckle replied ---that maybe She couldn't but she would be one that wouldn't say so till she tried-- So they buckled right in with a bit of a grin they took off their coat and went to it ----they started to sing as they tackled the thing that couldn't be done and they did it.. somebody scoffed or you'll never do that at least no one's ever done it----well they took off their coAT and they took off their hat and the first thing we knew they'd begun it. --- WITH A LIFT OF THEIR CHIN AND A BIT OF A GRIN... WITHOUT ANY DOUBTING OR QUIDDIT ..THEY STARTED TO SING AS THEY TACKLED THE THING that couldn't be done and they did it. There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done there are thousands to prophecy failure--- there are thousands to point out to you one by one the dangers that wait to assail you----but just buckle right in wITH A BIT OF A GRIN. take your coat and go to it--just start to sing as you tackle the thing that cannot be done and you'll do it. ( with apologies to Edgar guest)
that was exactly those two gals and the extremely dirty messy T TENT. by the end of a few hours was wonderfully clean and organized.... as a reward I offered them the painting of the pig and they were thrilled... I'll offer THEM more than that I'll offer them a summer job from now right through August. because those two with that attitude would make a tremendous difference good old service dog projects crazy acres and I'm dead serious now I just have to find out who they are -------they've been around for a while... but they are very much like Laura in the making..... I was all excited. those two are worth more than minimum wage to start with.
so many people work overtime trying to figure out how to do less and less IN. MORE AND more time. it was the mental engagement of these two kids but I certainly want to encourage And hopefully take advantage of... so just identify yourself and get oN the payroll IF you like.
moving on I'm well over my five day quarantine portion---and still have some car time.... meeting and talking to people in the car... THERE IS A LOT TO FIGURE OUT... The speed with which this house got emptied and deserted except for me it was a huge shock to me leaving me with chores I have not been doing and therefore at a bit of a struggle -----like how do you start the dishwasher and where is the soap.. nothing terribly challenging but details that just sapped my strength which isn't very good anyway I was thrilled to have Stacy leave a note on my desk saying the dishwasher is now running... Judy went and got me some cough syrup.. AND BENTLEY A PILL..... Karen came in checked by oxygen and lungs she's a nurse. Matt ran through fill the water buckets... but most of all Janine in 47 seconds fed all four dogs fillED the water buckets---- made my bed. RAN the washing machine .AND LEFT TO GET FOOD.... THAT WAS PRETTY MUCH MY LAST 5 DAYS. LUCKY I HAD THOSE TO HELP.