Tuesday, August 4, 2020

aug4 2020 --- hay string

how am i supposed to write this daily doggie without the comments  from which i often get ideas..??? how to raise  puppies and children  --- everybody has opinions about them.   usually conflicting opinions with no absolute correct way to go.  enter the internet "perfect storm"-- i try and sort out the emails  which have real questions or comments  and i do answer most of those as time allows...  for some there is no answer.  so we  move on.

for much teh same reason we keep the 2 mother dogs in  different rooms and don't allow one to sniff over the other's pups... the reason i do that is from human observations....  i never met a female person who 100% approved of the way her neighbor raised her kids....  i know bentley is extremely curious about th e pups   but both mothers will curl a lip at him if  he gets too close...  teh mothers raise the pups.while telling him to "get lost".

which made me wonder   how many "successful " people  were raised by a single mom.. i hear stories all thee time  and i wish one of you who read this daily doggie would research that ,,,  you could start with presidents... clinton and obama... i know several news casters have mentioned it...   i would llike some real numbers  so have at it. i have a feeling the list is longer than one would expect..
as in nature , like with elephants.....often the mothers do all the foot work  while the males  all argue with each other.  ----- you all have to know  my next comment will be about the photograph of our congress standing on  the steps of teh capital... only recientlky have tehre been  any women in the group.
so more   research... how many wars  have been started by women?  was it margaret thatcher that got pretty upset with someone on some island country???
history is obviously not my strong point.  i had  better quit without alligning teh dogs  peeing on trees to mark the territory with a whole bunch of military maneuvers .
much action here today   2 recipients will be around to  do some training exercises...  mays pups are up and walking.. with eyes opoen... time to get out the white shelving which is teh puppy barrier between the coffee pot and mays puppy nursing.  that shelving is perfect because moms  can jump over it without searving  "milk shakes"  from bruising teh  milk  production area.    sizzle is a week behind.... we have alot of shelving... just need to find it. i usually stand it on end, so it is visable  amid teh clutter  ---lie it horizontal behind a sofa, and it is lost for years.
that is a huge problem here  teh split second  education that makes life easier.. like a 6 foot long crow bar on the ground  is one inch tall... and the grass is 4" tall
you can even mow over it and not see it. teh fence mending tool... in my career i bet i have purchased 50... you work on a fencc e and set it down... and it is long gone.   i bet if you went aroiund our fence lines with a metal ddetector you coujd start a junk yard. and the solution is so simple. don't put it down.

 then there is my "safety knot" with hay string... tied in 4 seconds, holds well, is easily released with one yank and teh staff will just not take the very few minutes to learn to do it...  with dozens of gates and fencing held together with hay string--- findin a knife or scizzors is far more time consumong... every time  we want to move soem fence or gatee...   terh barrier in the stall is a perfect example  -- hay string is the perfect attachment--there is no adaptable hardware..

how long can a piece off hay string last???  currently hay is tied with blue...  when we moved here in 1979  hay sting was pink...  exactly when it changed i do not know... but we have plenty of pink string holding up...or down... various things;\

'let me illustrate better..   the split rail fencing  with it's wonderful  treated posts.. are from the era of pink string... and teh striing holds firm whiole the posts aare rotting and are now held up with blue... 

it is comical to note the places where it takes both pink and blue hay string   to accomplish a task.
you want to go back to  the congress  topic again?