Tuesday, September 25, 2018

sept 25 2018

we had a meeting with the neighbors-- to explain the various things we have changed - like using 5 of teh kennels for "daytime dogs"  ... i.e. the staff's dogs- of which we have a few.   we would certainly never ignore making changes  if we could improve  any negative situation.. 

it was quiet all night---  there is a dog barking now.. 6:25am  it is  not  a great dane bark...-  and ours have now joined 6.30.
thanks to this handy dandy decibel  meter,  no bark is 42 decibles  -- teh nieghborhood dog bark-- from a distance is   47  and when ours join  on our deck,  it is 52.  compare that to library quiet is 45 ---- normal conversation 60  --- annoying tv 80 --and health hazard 140 
now at 6:39  they have all quit.--- the meter is back to 42--- 
6:51  donna arrived with her 2 dogs to put in the day kennels which has all teh dogs fired up  highest decibel is 55 with a bunch barking  to announce her arrival in the barn. 
this is kind of a typical "episode".    and not enough  for me to call animal control when the  non dane dog started.
bryan-- ( DVM) is coming today about 1pm...   shots for the new one...  and while he is here... mo's foot has what i would call  scratches--  a mouldy athletes foot kind of mess behind her ankle..   and teh prego does have a minor cough... that should happen about 1pm.
i do not have a clue as to how this email  will actually work-- somehow explore is participating in some national dog somethgn by sponsoring  our ( 5 serv dog trainers)  chat.
Hi All, 
It was lovely chatting with all of you over the last couple days. The chat on Wednesday is at 1pmPT/4pmET. I'm including the connection information for  the chat at the end of this email. Lets plan on being online 15 minutes before hand so everyone can have a chance to talk to each other before the chat. I'll be updating you about your live status on the text chat in Vmix Call.

to be included in the same program with what i consider the 'heavy rollers" is a thrill of a lifetime.
my monkey fist count is up to   105-- so she can get married now.