Thursday, March 22, 2018

mar 22 2018
for those of you who missed the great chicken esxpiriment  last night at mail call----- someone sent me a video of a woman dog trainer who set up a train the trainer episode using chickens- i think she is absolutely right--it is a way to see who can see this thru logicaloly-- there was a tv guy there to try it who was very funny- i am sure there was alot of editing but they did seem to get predictibla behavior from a bunch of hens...
set up was a white table, a black disk with a white spot in the middle.-- a tiny fry pan with cracked corn-- when teh chicken pecked the disc he was to slide tha cracked corn in front of teh hen quickly.....i don't know how long they were at it.. or what kind of chicken swapping took place.... but a hen did seem to get the idea peck the spot and get the corn... even when the spot was moved.---they then moved to the agility course.... with weave poles..tunnel and a frame....the hen did not do the entier 5 poles, but it sure looked like it did 2 of them., ran thru the tunnel and up over the a frame...  tunnel and a frame coudl just happen, but the twisting aroudn a couple poles had to be a learned thing.

sssooooo tom brought in the table and crate of 2 hens---  hen #1 wanted no part of the whole thing...  hen #2 did get to pecking the center of the disc even tho there wqas a piece of corn on the disc also-- this made me wonder abou the natural instinct to investigate anything that didn't match the normal sourounding... hen #2 chose the centrr hole over a piece of corn.
it was also suggested that these hens were too fat to participate in indiscriminate pecking-- hungry chickens might bdo better...

... so my results are inconclusive.. i certainly did not get teh hen trained as fast as it looked like they did in the video, i will pass the project on to grace --- the concept of trying to trian a trainer was a very valid one....  could be this project be continued at dog fest too...
daily news
purina did get back to us and said teh adult food would be  in next week---  so amy went adn bought some to carry us over... please do not waste money on postage sending those 40 pound bags of food to us....... if you are so inclined, buy an extra brick or two and  label it FOOD  ...
megan should be back today
young pups are into bowls in teh kitchen ( a great step forwarde...)  a few more days to get them  drinking water aqnd reese can go home...
and the monster storm has fizzled in this area-- where the map had said 18 hours of dark blue snow followed by  2 hours of light green rain, now it looks like 4 hours of light blue snow- then gone.
because of the prediction ,, the"luna"  floor company  rebooked my bathroom floor  again....til next monday...  as they wander arond with my check.....luckily a very small check and floor.
thanks to all the people who have written to this TIAA  contest/award... it looks very hopeful;-- they called me.... to say they had so many letters about sdp,.... and  directions meant i had to apply myself--  so that is what i certainly will do...maybe don't stop the letters sounds like they are noticing....
Hi Carlene and crew at crazy Acres,

Well Charlotte and I are doing great adjusting to things here in Ohio. My 3 girls are happy to have the addition to the family but They understood that Charlotte not being a pet but a help for dad to get around and to not fall over. Charlotte has been so helpful keeping me moving around gets me goings more than I was. We got a few inches of snow last night and Charlotte was happy to stretch her legs, a reminder of crazy Acres. Thank you again so much for everything, what SDP does helps so many and I greatly appreciate it. 

Paul and Charlotte