Sunday, December 27, 2020

dec 27 heat

 pups are doing fine... (aka eating peeing pooping)   two different personalities  .. settled very nicely overnight with heather... wild color  a great relief from all the blacks....  a little wild yet...  not to turn out on puppy hill yet...  we would have trouble getting them in again.... so we will start with the condo/back deck...

2020 12 27
COV is educational----- "To heat or not to heat-- that is the question" 
Instead of just having builders build houses that they think will sell well ... we really should back off  and calculate what we really use and need .. it breaks into three groups ...  heated (and I do love my heat )   ,,,   a room that could possibly be heated ,,,,,  and  an area that will never be heated ... The next town boxford is full of huge houses where you could run a full sized orphanage .. and right now there's two people living in them .. I know people who own these things .. They maintain   the five bedrooms three bathrooms just in case the kids come home for a visit ...  or nowadays more probably they can't find a job anywhere else ..  but mostly cov has certainly taught me  To live in one room and a bathroom... as long as I have enough storage room to put all the things that don't need heating ..
 all of these big houses have at least A2 car garage into which you could no longer fit a car ... or if you did you could not open the doors ... because of things like bicycles ladders and stuff .
I have several friends with huge houses ... who's every waking moment is spent in one room ..that room involves some sort of food preparation ----a table,  spread with papers.... A TV .... a couch or 2 ... plus a fireplace .--- And they have to heat the whole place because all those bathrooms have pipes that would freeze otherwise .
next time  i build a house, it would be in 3 sections.... heated,... not heated,but could be,....does not need heat...... 
 , the houses would be diminutive , and attached to the equivalent  of our 30 x 40  “G”tent as a “  project room.” , unheated, . ... the house  would have a main room, plus   what is called the “other” room in Scotland....- and a utility room... (with water and  pipes)  
Where the sides  of the project room were lined with stuff never needing heat... like file cabinets. Of  IRS records ( one of my favorites)
I am fascinated  with the tiny house concept..... but I would need “significant storage”  as my instinct to collect is historic... I conceivably Could live in a shipping container but there are words I would have to eliminate from my vocabulary ... “I might need that”  and  “I could  use that”  and  “ later”-would have to be -I would have to realize there is no difference in    not owning something , and not being able to  find it.
My  car has become my ----”other, sometimes heated”--    reading room..- of my  redesigned living accomodations... I spend maybe 2 hours a day in my car.. with 3 danes  well heated,, stereo equipt   comfortable seating.... minimal internet connection, but telephone..
  Sometime people bring me one of the chef meals --    plus this car has  a 911 button.  Which wouold tell the operator where I was...... what more do I need ??
The builders who build these huge houses for two people give the same argument as the guy who took a passenger seat out of the back of my car so the aging dogs could get in easier...    .. “you're going to ruin the resale value .”    ..  yeah?   At my age   I ain’t gonna deal with that.... I'm going to enjoy it  better in the meantime .