Tuesday, December 1, 2020

DEC 1 B 2020 TOOLS


2020 12 1

-continuing with my “danm it ...  fix it”  theme   why not   try for a cov  educational present for any high school age  r sitting sround diddling with a cell phone..here could be a a valuable education for $100-----      let me tell you where I would start...

Black and Decker has a very nice household tool kit in a little suitcase WITH AN  8 Volt drill for $53.45

To that I woul,d aDD  A  jig saw    5 AMP  FOPR $39.95 --   which would  eventuall cut thru a lot of stuff – with curves... straight LINESSE  COULSD  BE  A  PROBLEM

.. maybe  a pair of safety glasses      $5  there’s $100






THE PROBLEM WITH  THE CHILDS “TOY KITS  IS THEY ARE NOT REAL... THERFORE DISCOURAQGING TO A kid – there is  an age thing involved...   but a kid who is learning to drive should be able to use a jig saw or drill..    male or female...


There is a gender gap too.    . girls should not be prevented from finding  out how simple power tools are.. Around here I am shocked at the kids who wouldn't dream of using a power too tool   and have no idea of the basic principles of things like levers ..  some might try and pound a nail with a hammer .. but if it gets halfway then you need to pull it out they haven't a clue how the hammer works but what a lever might be so how it's really not terribly difficult .. so with a few basic tools the $100 would allow them to take apart everything that's broken anyway .....and learn and learn what it does ... if they want to have fun cutting and bending pipe leads to all sorts of art things while learning about levers and things

so there you have $150 education .


if the whole modern world is into just throw it away and buy another ..  there is a fortune to be made by somebody who can fix it .. I know Bud is totally invaluable here .

he will take anything apart .. and my approach is always been will it broke it anyway how much damage can he do but then he figures it out and puts it back together again ..   at 99% of the tools he uses are in one really battered leather tool pouch which he carries in one hand .. show it doesn't take at $1,000,000 table saw or sheet metal  bender  to at least get a kid thinking in the right direction .. an overworked  handyman in topsfield advertises help add $85 an hour .. Meanwhile the person with the two MBAs can't get a job..


Washing machines are my classic    --twice now I have been told a washing machine is useless throw it away and Bud has fixed both  TH with a simple $13.00 switch .mainly because he has a gizmo the size of a deck of cards that can tell him weather electricity can go from place A to place B so he tested the switch it didn't work bought one for $13.00 put it in and the $800 washing machine  actually both of them  is fine I'm still using it –


Meanwhile the guest house had a new washer which I bought at Costco which works about one time in every 10 attempts .. twice now we've had a repairman here first guy said he fixed it and he didn't the second guy I went over and talked to and said look I can't use this thing and he gave me a long lecture on how I didn't know how to do laundry ... and I explained that at age 82 I'd certainly done a lot of it without any problem until I ran into this machine and he said it was all my fault I it had to be balanced now because it was computerized .. so I sent my younger daughter over with a pair of sheets throw 'em in the washer and I told her that the repairman said she had to very carefully balance them she thought I was crazy ,at any rate the machine started up got everything wet and soapy and quit so we're back where we started from at 2 repair men who don't know what the hell is wrong with it .. leaving  me to take one of the old ones out of the barn which is a little bit much or buy another .

Linda has been on the phone too Costco for a long time so consequently the time she spends on hold with Costco is about the same expense as buying a new machine to begin with /

and washing machines have a lot of parts that could be used for a lot of things that big drum with holes in it has all sorts of possibilities and they usually have a very good electric motor .. along with various belts and pulleys and things like that there's a whole education in a dead washing machine ..


I hate to disclose the secret , but driving a backhoe is an awful lot easier the treadle sewing machine ..  so why society thinks women should fool with the damned sewing machine and be terrified of the back hole blows my mind .. the number of volunteers here but I absolutely force into driving golf carts is a basic they've driven here in a car but somehow men have convinced them that driving a golf cart is complicated and men just do that .. sorry guys .


I have had a  female volunteer thrilled to pull hte  trigger on the drill aqnd hav ei   it screw a screw in.. and another doing circles in the parking lot while using a goldf cart for the first time... then graduate to the tractor  where there is only  one pedal  forward aBND BACKWARD... AND ONE RULE—YOU R EYES SHOUJLD BE IN THE DIRECTIONOF MOVEMENT !!



Fyi --- in case you want super  oranges.... I am enjoying hale groves.com...  I find  their “belles”   are darn good.

Now the doggie bag report

for a lovely  large donation  from a cp---    we  will  manage to send a monkey fist to 8 friends---

 then 2  cp’s have gone on a curtain tie back notion so  I have orders for ...6   (3 pairs) with a 24 inch loop.. ? how exzciting is that???