oct 5 2023
I should name this daily doggie- "86 years- the shortened version"... because even simple happenings now have such complicated explinations...it is not worth explaining... AT 2AM MY THOUGHTS WERE SO CLEAR.... And then the actual daily missing numbers wrong names cars needing license plates and stickers. just things that confused your normal life--like Judy spent most of two days on the phone with Verizon which I hope is now done
Simple explanation I have always had at least one person backing me up way back in Lynnfield with dealing with the want advertiser magazine and the distribution and finances etc there was a German woman named Ricky there has always been someone to make sure my car had a license plate.. with sticker...
I filed everything with the dewey decimal system. Which I doubt anyone even knows about now???/ problem is .. in my head I still think like that--- anything to do with autos began with a “1---Utilities “3” – food “5” which made animal food “5.1 “ and people food “5.5”- but now... with all the different “secretaries” and the move etc... 86 years of records seems to be in 2 milk crates with everything else in the soggy moldy mess probably in a landfill in maine. This is going to make my income tax paperwork... very difficult.. but not at all complicated. I only have two sources of income---one being SSA.. I have applied for extensions oh that don't run as far as I needed and I have sent money in but I have not done the paperwork.. eventually they do get upset about that and that's where I am--- paperwork problems
I have had “doings” with the IRS before and had no trouble--there was somewhere in Andover an office called the problem resolution office.
so Judy called them yesterday and found that if I had a problem what I was to do was to go to the library in Copley square in Boston where there were volunteers who would help people who had problem with the IRS---- they would be happy to help every Tuesday from 4:00 to 7:00.. my problems are way beyond that sort of solution so I don't know what I'm going to do next.
So maybe erasing my bail fund was not a good idea...