Wednesday, October 11, 2023

 oct 11 203

What shocks me often .... is how  things simpl;e to me are totally fascinating to “others

‘... which I guess is what keeps me rolling....yesterday at the hospital 2 doctore 1 rn and a medical tech were laughing hysterically at the donkeys jogging along mem drive...—and when I said I coujld have a donkey in the hall  of lahey that afternoon... they could not believe it..   I did qualfy it by saying io would prefer not to have a horse only because of the quick movements of a horse that might make them s;ip and fall on the con crete type floors   where a donkey would tread slowly....horses in elevators are not my favorite either--- they do become unreasonable if they  panic... not a donkey problem...last horse I had  on an “upper floor” was a dress commercial- fancy lady—tall horse...i was paniced but we did ok...luckily we were facing a window which showed the planes taking  off from logan... and for some unknown reason she took a fascination with  them... it was unusual for that to happen..

Like dogs watching tv--- some notice.. some don’t


Bless thos planes... I. did have another horror show... a dog loose in boston... and the worst dog in the world to have loose would be a “sight hound”  greyhound  type—that loves running...

 The planes sAVED ME ON DAY WHEN UNLOADING  a saluki slipped a collar and started between two buildings only to stop because of a plane crossing the field of vision...  that whole episode terrifies me today...

It was after that that I started the rope  with a ring... and had better control.


Speaking of elevators—I had to get a  nearly full size pig onto the roof of a hotel in boston. For a shot of the skyline with some tv performer..  that was a huge undertaking... luckily I had 10 days to prepare a generically wild pig to be on an elevator.


We did it...  now  I am even amazed I even  took the job.... but I was  ”the best animal handler in nNew England “  ( AKA the only damn fool who woul d try this stuff.)


I did locate the folder of a lot of old jobs which I will try and photo—some wer interesting... like the model feeding a dane off a spoon.... and they wanted the dog’s head perfectly square... that took me a while to get her( pirple) to stop timming her head to lick the spoon.

Such challenges