Saturday, June 25, 2022

 june 25 2022

ok...--- now remember that darling sweet baby horse everyone thought was teh sweetest in the world????? and he was...... well , he has discovered he can chase people and bite them-- not only that but it was reported to me he kicked elizabeth in teh neck,,,,,, that puts 2 of his feet over 5 feet off teh ground... and they are attached to a very beautiful muscular horse all headed at  being strong to pull a plow-- but first he has to learn not to kick people in the head. 
let me make it very  clear.... all those books about how sweet and lovely a horse can be.. there is alot of editing that goes on behind the sceenes.
try fresh punk..... not cute.apparently matt.  is to. get him back here today..

 which becomes related to........

daughter gwen is here.... she has a super organized mind and is personally offended  if she can not turn chaos into simple organization...  and she is here.. with janine and me.

she put a "thing" on my desk so she can call me at 4am ( we are both early risers) she says this thing is "just like my phone"  which is enough to set me off the edge right there. since "my phone" is not what you would call  a helpful tool for it is to sooooo many folk.

"well lets  start at that beginning and straighten that out"( says gwen. ) "where's  your phone?"
bingo... she  hit that first problem right on the nose. "i dunno" 
so we start--- it is not on either desk, or my bed- or in  the laundry..
"well- that is no problem lets just call it"  " what's your number?"  " i dunno"
"well- we can just look it up on your computer".   which gave us teh choice of 2- i didn't recognise either....
but she eliminated the dead phone number and was ready to call the live one....she was making progress..
and her logic was perfect... of course...
she dialed.... we listened... and we determined it was either not in the house... or had a dead battery..
only other place my phone goes is  in my car... "well let me just  go look in your car.  where's your car?" 
it is not parked by the house were the rats ate my  sequoia so it must be down by he barn...
"i'll just hop on your golf cart and run down".  
... returning... "your car is not there....  it must be at meridith.  for towing the trailer which matt was to use to get the mare and naughty foal back here."
i will just look when i get to meredith because i am to meet janine  because she is having  "her cowboy" ?walt? ride a mule in the  myopia hunt this morning at 7am... i should. be back about 7:30...."

and that is where it rests,,, 
meanwhile--- i got all the parts to "blacken" the. beautiful wood stove  which is in our kitchen....sanding block,  a can of denatured whatever--and 2 tubes of "stove blackening". -  i was to do this while janine and gwen chased the mule --- with a formally. dressed cowboy riding  it. ....all over hamilton/ myopia
AND...  some helpful person cleared off the stove so i could work on it.... not realizing they had cleaned off all the materials i needed to start the  job-- probably moving them to. the cellar to be  carefully catagorized in one of the   784 plastic boxes which  contain all. the "stuff" from the "overflow room" 

so i now have 30 minutes to kill til gwen and janine get back from chasing the mule....

so when at 5pm mail call you ask me... "what did i do today.?".. i may havee to resort to.    ===.   "i dunno"

this is the olden days of mary and a bunch of dogs in a senior home.

the pup is danish walter - being held by ann--
 who speaks danish ( among 6 others)