Saturday, June 4, 2022


june 4 2022

it's saturday ( i bet you knew that)--- but tomorrow is sunday-- first of the month... shatting time..........there is hope for a sell out........... it is 6am and  today.....already. 7 people have bought  a $10 chicken  shatting number..... or two... or three....thank you... it does pay our payroll very directly....and for those of you counting... that is 20 people-- some full some part time-- and alot of pizza and subs to keep volunteers lunched... it pays. to feed them so they don't go out to lunch where they might disappear entirely....

i did not figure that out myself..... i learned that from the  movie business.. on all these movie sets-- there is a "kraft table".  with apples, Tylenol, crackers, cheese, bottled water and maybe a few nut bars...

all that takes care of all. those who missed breakfast---or lunch--- which is served by a huge stainless steel tractor trailer---  you want a breakfast of eggs bennedict?  you got 'em...   steak sandwich for lunch?  no problem.... anything to keep people on the job working.... because these movie sets involve hundreds of people.... all running around doing one little thing.... and in my case "ok film the dog bark at the door". which sounds easy until the director says "i want the bark to happen just before the door starts to open"  or " i need that about 1 second sooner." ok... now that i rememberr...........

blown away jeff bridges???? in a hot tub- with me under the hot tub with a jacket full of pigeons. ... jeff is to shoot the gun and i am to release the pigeons toward the camera--- without of course getting in the  picture..  i did that 3 times--the director was finallly happy... all the pigeons were.... banded,,,, homing pigeons so i kind of knew which way they might start...  we could no longer release generic wild pigeons- even tho we were releasing them back to where we got them---  wild somewherre on rt 95,,,,......


One other small detail just in case any of you are thinking of starting an animal episodes of your own....   all those white doves that get released so poetically into the air at weddings or any theatrical performance ------those aren't doves.    they're white pigeons.. because if you throw a dove into the air 99 times out of 100 it'll land within 10 feet and walk off... if you throw a pigeon in the air it goes home..  looks so much m ore poetic.... Unless you're after a comic routine in which case it is a dove.



I used to borrow Mr. Smith’s white pigeons...  he was an elderly man who had a very active 4 aged club and the kids helped him with the pigeons and the rabbits that he had and he was very knowledgeable.. he was also not very tidy because the dried pigeon pool on the floor of his kennel was over a foot deep he was very old.  it was not the kind of bird coop where you wanted to be without a mask..   and the other problem was he never flew his homing pigeons very often. for practice ----so they weren't as  Reliable as the usual pigeon club members pigeons were.  and it was Mr. Smith pigeons that I used at the Loudon racetrack opening which I think I told you about we're not very many came home.. consequently. Loudon has an unusual collection of pigeons that are white and nearly white..  don't tell  them  it was me.


Time to write the newspaper article