april 20 2022
te: | Wed, Apr 20, 2022 7:43 am |
uasta bee 137 years ago. when i was 34...and for some reason you had to xray a horses foot-- because he had been pronounced prenavicular( which all horses are... like we are all pre arthritic...)so the vet would toss a "film" on th eground and put the horses foot on it for the snap- then he would toss it into his car /truck with a small pile of similar looking films...----there wer many rumors everywhere.... but horse people began to toss a car key onto the film with the foot...--making it easier not to be confused by a trunk full or "right foots" --- regardeless of who is xraying what, i always think of that car key solution to a "tacky" problem.
then there is the question...... if you have paid for the xray, i think it is yours ----to request it or a copy of it...... not too sure on that..... except i am a total believer in second or fourth opinions--
my knees-- everybody has 2.. ( well no actually ) my 2 hurt... go have them operated on. ( husband (md)'s advice )...well i went... but decided i would rather hobble twice as long. and have one done at a time.... rather than have both done at once and be totally incapacitated. ...-- so i started with 2 knees #8 painful--and after surgery i had one #10 and one #8...but before long i had 2 #8's and then 2 #6's and 2#4's-------- wait a minute------ this was not supposed to happen... but it did... by the time the surgical site was #1. the non surgical site was also #1-- and now 50 years later.... both are zero. and the surgeon is $$ wealthier because of what i had to pay him.... ( pre medicare)not sure what the answer i-- but it is closely related to a dusting of snow.
some folk get bent. out of shape when we have a dusting of snow and the plows are out running upa dn down rt 95 with their plows just off the ground-- plowing nothing...welllll someone in ther great governmental wisdom has figured out from the fiascos in wahington dc... that if you don't provide i reasonable income from your investment in snow plows,,, then you will have none when the blizzards hits... which it will every 3 years.
the same goes for surgeons. if they don't make enough to pay off the significant student loan from becoming a surgeon in the first place.....then when your kid dislocates the left hand side his body playing football. there would be no surgeon to glue him back together..., so in the mean time i at least provided him practice so he could keep is skills up to date...
mouri was here last night for a run around the pond-- then a run around the manure pile when matt got here with his "ace". they had a grand time-- that is one good looking dog...and she loves her new parents...her new dad works at toyota service and mom works at home. >??accounting??? so it is perfect.. they are like new parents... and since they kept me out in t he freswh air beyond mail call... i slept ti 4am !! hmmmm.
today---- i will set out equipment for thsoe who have a few minutes to dissemble the yellow chicken coop.... into a pile of plywood and 2 x 4'sxc; which willl then be trqnsposed into a tool shend behind the t tent.. to take the weight off the " seasonal stuff" in the g tent...
so if you ever have had teh urge to tear apart a buildilng... have at it... there is not alot holding it together....so be carefuel of "supportng elements...."
and one of these days we should. have the birth of something from that belgian mare !!!