Friday, April 15, 2022

 april 15 2022i had larkey and moira at. IRA TOYOTA YESTERDAY creating a general havic of people wanting to meet her and pat her... she was the perfect lady... and lackey was the goofey friendly. so we made it ... no problems....he/they are to pick her up today and we will see if she can keep up george;s  perfect reputation in woburn.... along with a collar and leash... i need to give them the usual.... you give them a happy life and when it is over, it is over....

i was thiniking....... field "A" has a gate in the way back right hand corner. that will go to the bay state trail from cape ann to cape cod.....   but more than that it would go to a nice 45 minute loop basically around our property and land in the top left corner of our pond.... just a few turns to locate and clear??????
 this poor dog with the tail problem... i think she may have to become a perfect pet.... i can't imaging she would be sensible aftt the torture with the "E""collar for weeks on end.
so far today we have. recovered a vomited slipper( lachey)  a destroyed heater control (bridget)  a cloth  mask -( lachey)
 on a more cheerful note... essex aggi kids painted some of the arean feeders... much more cheerful.... 
i hope they all come back to volunteer 
we could stand  a couple pairs of people ...? retired couple??? 2 people  who usually coffee together??? we have pups who are ready for specific training exercises.. and we have a lovely heated airconditioned room... with keurig coffee maker... and spoons and cans of dog food.... call by name and spoon ffeed-- individually then 2 then 3 and  if you last for a long time ..  maybe 4 and 8 at the fairgrounds !!!!  this litter of pups is really bright,,, and physically super dogs... so i have great hopes....

we must select one or two to remove as breeding aninmals and i woul dl ove to finiswh the other 6 in 52 weeks....kind of like i did geroge.... as i write the news article of thier progress....   i had it all planned... but i could uso e some help...actually there are anoteher pups following right behind.... those 9 are still in my kitchen and can be seen o n the "house camera" at the moment.
every time i go to the senior center in ipswich... there are always a group of very nice cheerful people sitting around.... why not come here and pat  cheerful pouppies???
hmmmmmmm  how can i meld that into tomorrows news article???    come join us--  there is always laundry to fold too....