Monday, February 2, 2015

feb 2 2015

i watched the superbowl--- i am not a fan of football-- but if i was going to be able to hold any conversations with  99% of bostonians today i figure i better watch..
Of course i have conclusions---  the very fact that the football is shaped the way it is. means the way it bounces is random- so the outcome of many games has to be the random choice of  the Gods of  Fate.  In addition... because - apparently-- having knees touch the ground deadens the play- apparently,.... the athletic ability of a player  to touch the ground with anything but his knees could easily be the determining factor. 
it looked to me like you give one guy the ball, then everyone get behind him and push. 
an  extremely odd game---one wonders about the prehistoric significance of men shoving each other around.

nearly as odd a game as golf--the opposite side of the physical effort---    where you take a 2" ball then back off a quarter of a mile and aim for a 4" hole.... then  wander around in the fresh air and look for it.

only the scottish would dream that up.. -- similar to the  pursuit of loch ness monster.. where you sit around in the nice fresh air and spend money in their shops.

i played a round at "Olde St Andrews" ( i think that was the origional source of golf)  a bunch of the physics department decided i should "play a round" - so out we went--- they had... literally .. a bushell basket of "used" golf balls-  up to that point i had never heard of the game-- which they all thought was wonderful fodder for amusement..  we had a lovely time....

now -- with great authority i can say "i've played st andrews"   and people are sooooo impressed... little do they know....

and the other topic around boston... the snow..
thanks to bud  he operated on the tractor yesterday  -- i have a new see thru door like thing-- and it is plugged in ready to go...
and it does heat up fairly quickly...

they( the professionals) are saying  2+12+6+ dusting = winter weather to warn us  about.
and i have been putting  dogs names on paper 

 2 years ago we had 6 proven females--merlow  noel  cookie chaos olive moxie  and one unproven... pi
at the moment we had 2 proven  noel and scarlott and 2 semi questionable failures  opal and moriah then a bunch of too young  mischief, gabby , gussie, kiara ...  if indeed opal and moriah are not of adequate height to "accomodate" walter,   we then have no suitors for them..  which is why we are serious about new imports.
very serious....
meanwhile the dogs we have out working  are doing a wonderful job changing the lives of their partners... as scooter karen works thru the list-- calling to see how they are doing... she is getting wonderful results...-- and filling up the adi paperwork file...
paperwork-- i did take a chance yesterday with the shatupon winners- i did not print out the list of numbers/names  which takes about 1/2 inch of paper-- but instead   caqme up to the house  to look up  501 and find out debby-- from florida was the big winner-- and  the 3 runners up who  were in the same square but just got smeared on--- i did not write down the numbers and theresa already has sent their certificates out..... there was a phylllis and  johanna ( iheart) i can not remember the 3rd---  darn senior memory--

 ---seeing as i can barely see the barn, i better get out and push it around.... we are supposed to get the heavy snow about noon.. 

 i wonder what they call this???  it ain't no dusting....