Saturday, February 9, 2013

January 9, 2013

we are snookered in. " we"  being blue gwen and greg  - and hilary in the guest ouse
with  medicine or weather,   there are times when you say to mommy nature "have at it"----  actually you say a lot of things.
greg fought the good fight and finally decided if you can't even drive thru it you can't plow it... he had the driveway opened to the barn for a while... 
the best piece of equipment to deal with this storm is the keurig coffee maker..  the camera people have been most generous  so we have enough coffee to keep us entertained for a few days.
once it quits then we can evaluate what to do next.
the tractor can  go thru a lot bucket by bucket-- i think plowing with it is out..
hilary is in the guest house with a bunch of dogs- we have  the remainder here...
there are 15 families with dogs-- some with several- and i am anxious to get reports about the sleepovers.. i will pass those on as they come in..
and i am going back to coffee drinking
you can watch the snow pile up with the puppy hill camera-- best seen on the 4 screen display