Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013

there was no DD  yesterday.. problem being -- there was no yesterday  just one long 48 hour day
result being 3 lovely pups and a fridge overflowing with chinese food.
it was--- and is  an education worth sharing...
noel is not what you would call an enthusiastic mother starting with the fact that i have never seen pups born with as little effort...  luna's or   chaos's contractions were all body experiences-- in  noel's case- it was more--  , she   would wander around looking bewildered and something would fall out
i did not put the exact details in th e explore comments because things were happening too fast  ... now that we have 3 apparently healthy pups - i can explain our actions a bit better.
george had done an ultrasound and said 4 pups.....
what fell out of noel at 7am had not been a puppy for at least a week.and i thought.... thousands of people watching and we could have 3 dead pups next... when she did not have any real contractions  and was only slightly  uncomfortable- we finally went to the vets.- thinking ??c-section? it was somewhere between 60 and 65 days since she was bred.
so they took xrays-- and 2 of the vets thought we should just wait on any oxytocin ( produces stronger contractions)- they both said 2 normal pups and one that did not look as big as the other 2.. but suggested we wait til her contractinos were normal.
 we started home  - stopping at staples for a quick purchase -- i came out to find noel had dropped her firstborn  in the van-- megan was in attendence -- and it all seemed normal- so we drove home. -- settling noel in what was to be her whelping area.- the best she could do is decide whatever that thing was--it smelled funny.- and we settled in--?3 hours later she passed a piece of something and an hour after that an absolutely  lifeless pup--  i struggled to get it started with puppy cpr...- to no avail.- by the vet's count- we only had th e one other pup in there and it did it look as "normal" as the other 2--
 i tried to get the camera people prepared for another disaster when after 2 minor pushes  another lifeless pup was born.. except we could get this one going...  it screamed-- we  cheered-- and everyone felt better  we had 2 pups... both nursing...
 we did not have the last  afterbirth-- so the vet suggested we give her one shot of oxytocin to see if she would pass it.
an  hour later megan took her out to pee, and came back in- still waiting for the aftrbirth when megan said  she thought she saw it coming-- and then said-- it is white--and then "  IT IS A PUPPY-- A HARL !!"
turned out to be a female beautifully marked harlequin.  who screamed--normally and nursed right away..... the final 2 afterbirths came after that.
sooooo ..... for all you "normal" breeders who tell me   "go have an xray to find out....."      let us go back ..
i made the statement months ago  i didn't bother to have an xray/ultrasound to determine the number of pups because  i have never had them be right"
george is gonna kill me for that one.
 that is a remark that still holds true--- it was at some point valuable knowledge to know IF there were any pups...   but
george said 4 from the ultrasound -- technically he said "at least 4' so he is covered... 
 after one born  dead-- 2 other vets  said 2 possibly 3 when there were still 4..
how does that make you feel about xrays in general???
"oh... your arm is not broken"  and a few days later "well maybe you have a slight hairline..."
medicine is an art.... not a science.
 today schedule?
we have none
we will need experienced puppy wizzers-- because noel has not go into the full time care business yet...