Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11, 2013

regardless of what the camera people pointed out.... it was not only the women who were shoveling..   greg and paul were doing massive snow removal- like putting diesel in the tractor-- and shoveling it out when stuck... so they were just didn't look like that....
having been 30 years in the  film industry.... cameras do lie... most significant demo of that is  one of the mythbusters doing the rubic cube in record time.
start with a new cube in order-- screw it up and run the film backwards..
everybody worked-- thank heavens---- service dog  project is very dependent on different people for different things that i can no longer do myself.  that concept terrifies me..  so you people with our dogs-- time to thank the shoveler division--------- .we are dependent on ,many divisions.....
 just like the camera people sending towels and cardboard-- people showed up with shovels-- to bail us out when the street  plow could not do it .  
it was a bit like the expression "give enough monkeys  enough typewriters and one will type the complete works of Shakespeare.." 
 enough people with enough shovels and  we had what seemed impossible.... a path to the kennel and around the pastures so the dogs can get out..  thank heavens.
after that -- somebody named steven came back with his truck-- the one that had got stuck the night before-- and in daylight with a tiny path to start , he has cleaned up the parking lot...  then paul and greg  "cleaned up the corners"
during the storm the people making a fortune were th e owners of trucks with plows... after a  storm it is the people with  front loaders who earn a fortune--- doing hydrants and corners...
so paul and greg were our  " corner crew"   things like the chicken coop etc..
lesson of the day--
a dog with an injured stitched up foot will leave it alone if you fill a kong with interesting stuff... not just dog food pellets.. good stuff !!  
 vanilla-s foot  --- golf ball size lump-  from george
Biopsy is benign
called calcinosis circuscripta. Seen mostly in young large breed dogs 
( i bet george can pronounce that too-- isn't an education wonderful) 
after th e removal of a weird  lump  had 4 inches of stitches--  which maria and i with  our  best vet knowledge  decided it needed air--
it was not passing the "smell test"    and left off all the bandages...--
 after a dunk in diluted betadine and left is better this morning..
at least it smells better.
letting her walk around in the snow is not a bad way to clean it either... we decided...
paul came to the rescue-  catching up on the  things he does that no one else even notices til disaster strikes-- like no firewood up by the house...
chaos was beside herself to be with earlene for the shoveling group-- she then fell into bed and slept all afternoon .. when earlene said good bye, she kind of looked at me and said "now what do i do?"
earlene will be back tonight
which reminds me....  time has come to get  olives's area ready- and she should come here very soon...
bless the wish list..... i put several of those x-pen things on  amazon  and we have had  a few arrive...  if you look carefully you will see a few of them in use to steer  pups right out the doggie door in the kennel--   then we need them in the house to keep the house dogs in a defined area   next we need to keep olive secure in what she must feeil is a secure area without supervision by luna or noel..... then we ad th eshelving to keep the pups in  their defined area..
we have a lot of dogs in different stages-- so we need to  deal with them in as normal a manner as is possible.
we had "new" volunteers yesterday who could not believe the gracious living accomodations of the new deagle house...." i could easily live there" 
---- right !  that is  what i had in mind...
actually i am a fan of   "tiny houses" ---- that is worth a google- there are some amazing tiny houses...- smaller than the deagle house- tho often taller..
neil sent me a collection  of those clever things-   best was-- use a staple remover to get things on a key ring.. i have suffered with  that problem for years...
today schedule--- there is none
we are in recovery mode....