Friday, February 15, 2013

February 15, 2013

i hope ron's egg collection of 27 eggs was because no one collected them for a couple days... 
 if 27 was from one day-- we have a problem coming up.. i know we got a bunch of baby chicks that are now beginning to lay-- but 27 eggs a day can be overwhelming.
it also means spring is on the way-- chickens notice the few extra daylight hours as we go into spring-- so they lay more eggs
the totally miss the faCT THAT THERE IS EAsily 2  feet of snow right outside their door..
it is about this facebook thing..  please do not be insulted if i do not respond to these notices i get... facebook is for megan-- i can not book faces..
i have enough trouble with this go pro camera- i am still struggling-- and found there is a you tube of how to edit-- which will be my project of the day.
along with preparing the  material needed by explore before they can give us the grant.  one thing they need is our  irs   990  which theresa just typed up yesterday..
i guess explore wants to be sure we are not running a tanning salon either . 
anne is due here to help  get the packet together..
 and a  big rock just hit russia
just when you think you have worried about everything...
......i could n't spell the official word for big rock from space.
which reminds me....
 i had an email from someone offering to write this daily doggie for me. it sounds like they think i make up this stuff. they thought i would run out of maTERIAL ?????  how could i make up the fact that i  take a shower with a wood chipper in the shower stall???   or that  there comes a point when a great dane no  longer fits in the kitchen sink...
all i do is just tell it like it is around here...
and then maria points out...   the daily doggie would not be the dd with out  all the
mis -spellings, typos, and random caps. and lack of punctuation.
my spell check quit...
here's a toy.. one of the cp  ( camera people)  sent me a web with a very strange concept
"is a reading problem improved by having colored overlays?" 
so i did that--- try it -- just open the first page and then click on the little squares top right to change the color.----- to   some people it makes no difference.. but  a couple here yesterday ( me included) thought  one of the colors was just plain different
this wil not help the fact that my reading problem is exasperated by the fact that at my age,and short term memory.. by the time i get to the end of a senticne, i have forgotten the first part.
product manuals- never known for their clarity-- are lethal to me...
today's schedule
the vacines should arrive fedex'd  we have a few kennel cough's to do-- calleen thinks it may not work 100%  but it might shorten or ease the symptoms
and i bet she knows- ( having run a big  grooming outfit for years)
and we have the c5 for boosters on th e big dogs-- and initial shots for some of the pups.
there is a big controversy on vacines..-the controversy can go on it's merry way.. but there is one concept to consider
AND THIS IS MY OWN private old wives tail-
the pup gets it 's initial immunity from the mom's cholostrum- how long that lasts  is a variable-- but at some point it give out.    maybe george knows-- or it cold be one of those unknowns....  if you give the first shot before mom's colostrum has quit, the shot is not effective ( BOY  AM I GONNA CATCH IT FOR THIES ONE)  so the objedct is to cover the pup as soon as  needed without over vaccinating..
so my person al is  6 weeks-- and then somewhere 12-16 weeks  then yearly.
i am gonna catch it for putting out such false info......maybe... ??? george????
and we  will watch  olive/-- she really likes/needs  personal atention-- someone with her all the time or she stands at the door..
she is slightly uncomfortable-- minor pawing--  i don't know what to do about th e camera-- maybe try and shift it  to which ever area is active
snoring pups  vs   totally relaxed mom to be..
and th e  muppies will be in  the house at some point for 1/2 hour or so...
\  chuppies on puppy hill
and we wait...