aug 1 2023
NOW HERE GOES THE PROBLEM... I can and will afford the gas money to get me and my dogs around to these senior residences but I can always think of a way of doing a little bit more and in this case it's the pig ;;the pig right now is sitting or rather standing in the doorway of the ice tea tent ready to go but doesn't fit in the car especially with three or four other dogs it's a pretty good size pig which at one point we had a hole in the top which once was where the brass pole went on the merry go round and we had that as a donation hole.. so back to trying to transport the pig... Digging around in the G tent--- that is the giraffe tent ---I found a four wheeled landscaping wagon in pretty good shape and the pig will stand in that wagon.. so now how to carry the wagon the pig and the dogs so I went out to Amazon looking for wheelchair ramps and found one 29 inches wide and 50 inches long with a ramp--so I should be able to run that pig up onto my back bumper and haul it to a nursing home or whatever.. it is such a weird good looking object that to even roll that through some of these places would be a damn good thing I think.. it would give staff and residents at least one chuckle for the day so that was my big expense of yesterday $254 plus tax for an aluminum thing which will fit into the receiver for my horse trailer.. This will also easily take my pram which is another thing that I could really make use of in our visits because not only would it hold a puppy or Wanda but a lot of the junk that we have to take in with us like a watering dish--- pie pans --and cookies so I will be spending $254 plus tax out of the fund fund for this bit of nonsense..
By definition the fun fund is FOR things that are not necessary but might be fun to do or have----- so hopefully all you people who have donated the dollar to the fund fund. are now proud owners of aN ALUMINUM wheelchair ramp.. Which will allow us to make more people smile . It's supposed to be delivered in the next few days... and--- heaven forbid ---needs only one wrench to put it together.. that “together “part might be interesting on camera.. STAY TUNED.
our new logo....