Tuesday, March 22, 2022


by now you all must realize there is a large group of  camera people with a great sense of humor
 who have emailed me with "it does not look like a really big deal to them..." .
humor will survive...
 i have no time for the small bunch just looking for trouble. 
the ubiquitous rat.
going back to the rattery.....a cp sent me the story of a woman who has the answer,,,,,

Today was our first rat hunt of 2022!
Great way to start it off with a catch of 115 plus pinkies.
4 Dogs and an 1& 3/4 hours later.

This group seems very successful at cutting down rat populations... just a thought- they are in New Hampshire...

she already has a handful of rat terriers...and a photo of the 115 dead rats.
i knew someone --- a farm type person----with a rat terrier once... every time i saw it , i had a dead rat in it's mouth.
now that is a process in which i can have faith.... i will contact her...
altho i don't think we have enough rats left to make the news like her 115 wilt 4 dogs.
we are catching about one a week... with professional human. help....

have we found just one more way a dog is invaluable? i always thought the seeing eye dog was the ultimate...
times change... now i am thinking ... a rat terrier??????

i could add 4 rat terriers to this mob and never notice... and i would willingly do so.. i have been watching the rat rescue.
i figure if i can find a pregnant rat terrier,, then give the pups to friends, we could meet weekly at alternating homes for "coffee" and bring our dogs.
we would have the only houses without vermin..

they put cats to shame

her photo of the dead rats is spectqacular.
if i can manage to copy it...

i did it !!!!!!!...

she is also promoting birth control for rats... not of significant stregnth to affect wildlife or dogs. that would be a world shaker....
i remember an article on australia where rats swarmed like a tidal wave--- you could not walk becasue of rats... what did they finally do?
in the meantime.. the sky is not falling... that i know of... in spite of the notices people send to me...
we have some fantastic pups in these 2 litters... i have wanted for years to get some of the claudia bohemia bloodlines in our lines... we sure have it nwo... with these 2 litters

finally we could "researve" a pup from that kennel... in czech-- a male merle was all they had left.. so we bought it... and it had to be shipped from czech to lisbond to boston... 24 hours because of the rabies regulations in germany. if i could have got him to frankfurt he might have had only a 8 hour planeride to boston...--- but no dice....... and we parked him with a nearby family,, i watched him grow with near despair.. back legs grew for 6 months-- head too big--- i wondered what on earth i thought.... his mother had won every prize there is to win in europe- so i kind of forgot about him for another year... when all of a sudden he was a different dog.. so we bred him to two females. producing 2 really nice litters which we now have.....

along the same lines..... i was not thrilled with larkey/s front end--- crooked-- so we eventually neutered him so he woud be nmore "useful" in public. so now he is a neutered male and his front end has straightened out....darn... well he certainly is fantasic in public now..