Sunday, March 20, 2022

 mar 20 2022

best news of the day... he threw up a slipper !! maybe if we leave the yuppy puppy (gumball machine) available mayby he will mouth that????  or maybe jiminey will just get fatter-- he is good at it-----  lachey uses his nose to j ust wiggle the lever... jiminey whacks the lever with his chin...  there are all sorts of ways.... what is interesting is that once they learn to deliver any treats at all. they keep going with that maneuver. even tho  to change might get them more treats per delivery .  something about if it works don' t change??? there are very few who are  either paw and the chin--   ambidextrous?

the rest of what's interestin g is tht the old gumball with a bone for a lever... works beautifully... then they reduced teh size and improved it to the point -- for. lack of a better drop angle, it does not work at all...  i bet i have4 of these "new ones". and i have tried for years to find another.  old  glass bowl metal base one..  even wrote to the company... their "treat delivery system "  inside is flawless...  but the n ew ones don't drop with enough KLANG,,,  like the quarters in las vegas that keep you pullilng that lever....

next problem... the place is a muddy wreck.. i can only think of all the people who come here in th e nice summer and fall months and say   how beautiful and relaxing the farm is... well where are they now-- the place is a muddy mess with broken bits of winter piled hither and yon... if each of you who reads this fool thing would come here and select a 10'x10' area and straighten it out.. maybe just maybe by july 4th we would be presentable.  some 10x10 squares would be worse than others to straighten out....

the worst being the chicken coop.  all these animal. things are delightful. except they need daily maintanence.. and teh chicken crowd is limited to weekends so constantly the coop is out of control...  sunday sandy( now saturday saqndy) came up with a good one... when you put the chickens in at night.. take down the feeders and put them in the metal trash cans so the midnight rat population can go elsewhere...
aside from thaat ... if you constantly scrap the floor, pretty soon   you have a depression in the ground that collects all sorts of wildlife.    same is true of a horse stall  --    you can dig i t out just so many times before you need a truckload of nice dirt to bring the level up again...  alternatel;y... there are those who want to move the chicken operation to the old coop and use teh  new bldg for tools..... i don't really care.. i can do neither... it is a project for those who like playing with the chickens. --- and i know many of the camera people love to watch that camera,,, i am curious... are you watching the chickens... or the activity in the driveway?    if so we may move the chickens out. to an off camera concrete slab.  i have bought what is highly rated as a wildlife deterrment.. an electric net. with plus and minus strands so zapping is predictable.  trouble there is. we are not quite unfrozen yet... and i need to be able to step/press the posts in.
