Sunday, March 27, 2022

 mar 27 2022

yesterday was certainly  more lively than we planned... moira got in a fight with percy.   not sure how or why they got together.. 
but  moria earned herself a day with me and i will  try and figure her out a bit. is she truly agressive , or does she just not know
she is not the biggest and strongest dog in this dog park.... ? does.  she know  "whoa?"   sounds like maybe that word is not in her vocabulary... yet,.
critical word for  everyone....i even stop if anyone yells whoa....  maybe i mentally don't stop... but generally my feet do.

larkey and jiminey had a terrifying tussle at dinner- totally my fault... no one was hurt, but cindy was in the middle and weighs about half what they do.
that was a case of setting up a perfect place to have a mess-- my fault-you can feed 600 pounds of great danes in a small space of 4 x 8...  
but you must carefully control the energy at the time.. when i set that up long ago when they weighed 80 pounds..
 there was a location for each dog determined ahead of time... get them there and tell them to stay until released when food id ready.
letting them decide where they want to be as bowls come out is a bad idea.. 
 it is so much better to tell the dogs what is exp[ected of them instead of letting them guess.
indecision is a bad thing----       they nearly knocked cindy over just tussling over the last pellet of food.
there will  probably be be a great uproar about quarentine..when all are vaccinated - and it was a dog fight...  
this is why histtorically i have tried to avoid these things...  using whatever means available to me....
one person did have skin broken and went for an ER  check up and maybe tetanus...
 i don't know--  but it will be enough to set the officials in motion.

before everyone gets all excited.....  remember chaos bit everyone one the property several was expected of her.
please researve judgement until the authorities have their fill..
on purely the excitement level ... it might be a bad time to add some rat terriers... better get control over what we have at the moment...
i will go back to "rental". ---  i have heard... the recored is 2500 rats in one day with 6 dogs... 
  i think we are way is also time  for the rats to go back into the forest for the summer....
i think someone decided the rats have a comfort level  of 60 to 80 degrees....  

i thank everyone for sending all the free rat  terrior  ads... i am reading them ..but nothing has clicked yet...

whoops i forgot i was writing this...