Thursday, March 31, 2022

 mar 31 22

editor john did get my email in th e news yesterday------it was all the perrils we were dealing with and why i forgot to send an article...
it was pretty good.. explaining why i forgot to send the article-- basically because my verbal instructions to alexa the dog got all screwed
 up with dictated instructions to the alexa the computer.....which. was blaring jesus christ superstar because of a name i had called alexa. ----- such is crazy acres...

moving on with our second car to be devoured by rats... this time the rav 4 that was parked in front of the house for a few days while they
 explained to me that my sequpia was "totalled" ( was it $27,000?)with only 55,000 miles on it. this time $17,000 because it would be too expensive to fix ($9000)
pretty soon my insurance company will get. upset.. we have 3 more toyotas. so far uneffected... and parked further from the neighbor's questionable house...
.. which just might be the main source of these rats.
 I am carrying moria around with me trying to firure out what and why she fought with 2 other dogs.... most dogs that  I have known that are truly aggressive to other dogs  have a prey drive which is easily identified....—I do not see any of that in her—that does not eliminate the fact that she was ... I am told was...the instigator of the last 2 dog arguments...  I wish I had seen the start of them...because,,,,,,,,,
 I put her out in “A” field----all by herself- and she immediately took a left turn and got as far away from the 2 barking dogs on her right... and would not come back til I got a leash on her....and then she tiptoed....
Now... the trainers who have had  her out say that she clings to their leg when   they go by another dog.. hmmmm.. that matches what I have seen too...
She has been kenneled next to one of the most vociferous dogs and I wonder........ a bltch got the name somehow.....

I am well aware  of all the things people say about aggressive please spare me... I am also aware that mismanagement is often the reason for a lot of dogs being called aggressive--  so in spite of the fact that apparently she was the attacker in the last go round,,  I have to see more before I can try and figure out why.—
Then we can argue—why. If we so carefully never breed aggressive dogs—and if it is genetic. Where do they come from?—into the puzzle you must add a breeding female is as bad as a breeding male... in the wolf world only the dominant pairs are allowed to breed...  moria is not spayed—she is /was to be one of my dogs I had hoped to breed—now that is on hold...  but I am not ready to spay her yet,...
So before you get too hard on her.. explain to me how 4 dogs ended up   all stuffed in. the small area in the food prep  room.  That was a pretty good fight too... lotsa stitches... and I am sure it was just an accident and certainly not any dog’s fault.. a simple unlatched door could have caused that....
We allow our dogs as much freedom as possible in their growing years – and there are times we are not reading the signs right
 Heck we would have no chewed up dogs at all if we raised them all. in crates....
But.... as dangerous as it is... I taught my children to ride bicycles and one was for a while a bike messenger. Who too often had to go to the funeral of one of her co- messengers...