Wednesday, November 24, 2021

nov 24 2021

 holidays are always disruptive.. and this is no exception---  from repurposing the icu building -to having linda leave  while all these revisions are considered....and implemented.

Plan being considered is to have the icu  change from my.   origional intention of  overflow  dorm for visiting cp's.    to  lynns  center of  daily action  to the SDP office daily activities including the doggie bag ..  which is a huge operation in itself. requiring linda and  a lot of  file  storage..  

President Biden made a comment about. compainies spending more on research and developenent.. so SDP will be applying for a government grant for that purpose.. and the guest house and main house will remain the  meeting   center for board,  visiting cp's--- fundraising   and recipients--
 officially R&D... if big corporations can... so can we.....

i can only report as progress is made.... i know we have a board meeting next week....  ann is our officia grant writer....  she speaks 7 languages and she can spell in every one of them.

and as the   vaccinated cp's are again welcome t o spend a few days  at crazy acres....on an as available basis--  the only change there is teh  shuttle bus to peabody is no more... and i have heard rumors aBOUT  AIRPORT SHUTTLE TO SALSBURY--- A FEW M ILES UP THE ROAD   

I – FOR SOME REASON OR ANOTHER—OWN 2 INNOGEN – PORTABLE O2 MACHINES...  ALSO ON EBQAY. --- AT 3 FOR $10. ( LONG AGO)  I BOUGHT THE FUNNY FINGER O2 sensors and I checked my $3 FINGER TESTOR AGAINST TH EONE IN THE ER ONE DAY—IT WAS  THE SAME NUMBER OF SATURQATION...( RIGHT--- EITHER BORHT RIGHT OR BOTH WRONG) WHATEVER.. My oxygen level has always been one or two numbers around 92 and I didn't really think anything about it every once in a while in the ER they would ask me to take another breath or two and it would pop up and they'd go away without saying anything so I never really paid any attention 

now Barbara-- ----camera person Barbara ------said that hers is always over 95 and if it's below 95 it's a problem ----well I've never been to 95 so somewhere here there was something wrong the only slightly related oxygen thing I know is that some medical publication in which I had some faith which means it was probably the jma said that the random use of oxygen was not a good idea -----you just didn't use oxygen Willy nilly ---so I just never did until Barber comes along with us it ought to be 95 so in the middle of the night with nothing to do I got out the inergen ah my finger tester and I found that if I put that oxygen on my oxygen level was 95 to 98 and if I took it off it was 92 to 94 I know it has been as low as 89 but it's one of those times when I have got the ability to discover the correct information and then don't know what the hell to do about it so there in the middle of the night I put on the oxygen and my oxygen level was 9798 as long as I had that thing on my nose take it off and I was 9394 that's all I have for fact now I can't see me at the moment walking around with that engine strapped to my back but it might come to that if I find out or discover that one of my problems with stamina even climbing one flight of stairs could possibly be my oxygen level --------I don't know I never went to medical school 

If any of you with medical background (and I know we have many nurses here have any input as to the in as to wearing one of those oxygen level things).    I do know it puts out the oxygen at level 2 which I've heard of before in my first responder course and that was sort of the normal level----- if you have any information on that I would I would like to know and then I will also pass around for this learning process


hello ladies 
Capri is doing great. She is still eating very well although has her fussy days. A little shredded cheese mixed in every now and then keeps her very happy. Her appetite has definitely decreased a bit this week, but we are making sure she is getting what she needs. She is starting to take more downtime and rest, her tiny waste is starting to thicken a bit, she is extra clingy with me and those milk glands have not gone down since her last heat… some have been getting more pronounced. On my rough calculation she is at about day 25 from the first tie with Richard- so possibly 3 weeks?  I would say all signs are pointing to babies on board!

Just wanted to check in and give you my observations. I will also bring her by the farm to sat hello later this week after thanksgiving, so you can see for yourselves and put eyes on her.
If there is anything special you would like me to be doing for her in preparations - please just let me know.
------ the moneky fists-- teh roll of 720 feet has arrived. you could  now take my smaller roll. -- or whatever... but we have it;l