Saturday, November 20, 2021

nov 20. 2021

 bless wanda !!   found  wandering a walmart somewheere in. NC.  and hired on at SDP as rat catcher... at which she was a total failure..taken over by  janine. who's pecial brand of  freedom. training -----namely.  if you expect to go with me. you better be at my heels as i approach the car door....ocasionally left here in error. -.  where she will behave nearly perfectly until janine comes to rescue her-- she is notoriously  "snappy" as any good jack russell can be... and can easily stand her own amid 6 or so great danes.--all my house dogs totally respect teh 10 pound wanda--- who is sometime sporting her "security"  id vest.--  her last job--with my grandson. colby.......last week was running on teh bar of some  unh  college watering hole.... she is  only only slightly bigger than the beer mugs, .  again. rescued from that job by janine...  she was offered the job of the "taming of the shrew". all be. it a boy shrew .. wilson....   with his size--- even if a young puppy.... he quickly  knocked her over-- at which time  she very quickly defined her personal space... and he said "yes mam   i promise not to do that again..."after which she has shown him the territory and explained what is expected of him... as he trots very politely behind her.-- so what isshe..... a stepmom???   it worked... so far...

 i declined.... but.....4 people have contacted me and offered to pay me to fix their problem dogs. 
and one grandfather wanted  to rent wanda for his grandchild......
 for further amusement..... the woman from georgia who donated wilson  to us,called last night.. --- she opened teh conversation with "i am wilson's. origional mom.. and i just want you to know.......".....   my heart was in my throat ---ready for some impossible  tirade....but she said " i could not be happier with the way wilson is being handled". ---  and then--- this is the perfect place for me to raise a  pup--- i get to watch you professionals on camera... ---- and when he poops, i chuckle as  i watch you clean it up".    (we all had a good laugh over that concept-- ) 
 she was fun to talk to....she was not a beginner....  we shared lots of odd things that happen in dealing with dogs..... she said she had  one dog like victor. with the split second change from   "A" to "B" personality- as ..."the most dangerous kind of dog -- because they can look so  good and give no warning...... but unless you have had the experience  of witnessing  this happening you might be fooled.... "  she had put that dog down  immediately. also...there is no.  "maybe if...."  ... at least there must not be. a maybe if".           
there are millions of perfectly wonderful dogs out there who can do so much for themselves and humans - better to let the rogue sleep away  as soon as possible....

with one possible exception...  i would not mention ---except one must always consider. rabies... if you are bitten/scrqatched  by any dog or animal who's vacine history is not known... then the dog/ should be taken and quarentined in  some governmentqal system - for x days....  especially if it is acting strangely.....     one must never allow emotions get involved in that decision...   i believe --- acting quickly, there is a vacine/treatment. but.  once you are infected with rabies...., there is no cure.  

well that lesson is over for the day.

next lesson  who knew there was such a thing...

Hi there,
 I got notice this afternoon  that Josh was Selected for a Wired for Greatness grant. The grant provides seed money for children to create a product in order to benefit a cause of their choice. Josh is planning to create monkey fists to sell at his school store and donate profits to SDP. As I mentioned, the challenge is that he doesn’t know how to make monkey fists yet.

Carlene, Thanks for offering to teach him. Are you available tomorrow morning?  This project has a 2 week turnaround. It should be fun!


"wired for greatness". ????  could not be better awarded... so i must "away to the lecturn".   to help

i love a challange-- at least this kind.....
so at 9:00.  i expect to be fisting..... now--- since 2:14am..... i have. tried to figure  out how to make this happen as easily as possible. with tiny fingers....
thanks to betsy and her thread and bead---    where we made earings .. i devised a 2 x 4 and 5 nails to hold teh thread/rope  where fingers were just inadequate.

i have such a jig ready to replace teh 8"manilla rope one... so i will. copy that ... downscalling

stay tuned..... 


now you sit and stay....