Right off the Great Dane club of America's chart color chart -------which I do think is pretty close to correct compared to the 400 dogs we have had ----they fit the percentages if you breed Merle to Merle you will get 25% black 50% Merle and 25% white in other words you will not get any of the Harlequins which are the expensive show dogs--- so you wouldn't do that or at least normal AKC show people would not do that----- when there's not a chance of getting a good dog for show-------- now if you breed harles to harles you get 8.3% black 16.7% black with white trim 33% harles 16.7 merls 16.7 white with black spots Bailey type and 8.3 white probably deaf. Nearly the same number OF WHITES...s as breeding merles to merles... Except at least with the harles you stand a chance of getting this show dog now if you breed harle. to Merle as we did with Bentley and Scarlett-- statistics say 25% black 25% harl 25% Merle 16.7 white with black probably OK and then 8.3% pure white probably deAf and looking back into our statistics that's about what we did get breeding Bentley to scarlet and the white death that we had we placed with people who wanted a white deaf dog some people do -----not a problem --------Will you two in the kitchen stop talking because this computer is picking up your sound and putting it in the daily doggy unless you want to talk about something that you want to share with all these people who read this thing no I just want to I can't understand what she said OK let me go back to this---------- then so why do we end up with merles it is very simple in a Harlequin litter the Harlequin puppies will be $5000 and the Merle puppies maybe 1000 or 1500 so guess what I choose when they're all the same dog underneath and but if we're careful to who we breED them we don't have a problem... the first three dogs I put out in 2004 were the MERLE girls three of them. did wonderfully....
For awhile I gave all the Merle dogs the name of a color because they were the wrong color two more spectacular ones were purple who did many commercials and brownie who was the sweetest dog on four legs.
So I can live without people telling me I'm an irresponsible breeder because I don't euthanized MY Merle puppies---- because I don't... and I do breed them and if we get a white pup It goes to a home as good as anybody else is home.. sometimes deaf people like a deaf dog---- whatever.
I have often said a deaf Dane is no different T HAN A Beagle that doesn't listen to you anyway. specially if they have their nose to the ground after a rabbit...
Speaking of rabbits and rats I got two emails this morning concerning the health issues with both of them lepto is certainly one of them. : HANTAVIRUS IN RATS- IS THE 0THER TO MAKE THE NEWS TODAY...... Tie that news in with the fact that somebody saw nine rats in the stall at once is certainly a lot of rats what that basically usually means is that the one litter it's getting old enough to hunt on its own and perhaps it is time to put out the traps and start again that's a Judy job and she's not here for two weeks Oh my we need a Judy substitute she's having surgery on one hand or something so I guess we better get back trapping things I bought a case of the victor snap traps and let me remind everybody before I started getting emails that we do not allow any kind of poison rat poisoned on the property and we use the snap traps are very very efficient and I am very good at setting them.. Sure we could use one or two here in the house also but it is winter time is coming and they're all going to try and move into a warm building for the winter so I'll get the snap trap's workinG
If people are planning to come here for a few days vacation in the guest house you don't really need a car because once you get here there are 345 trainers going out the driveway every 45 minutes or so going to practically every imaginable store around or even the train station that's part of their training of dogs so once you get to the guesthouse you really don't need to too much else vied for you had to get a ride will you give my shopping list either way it works... You are not your mother Germany just finished sizzles breakfast the day has begun