Tuesday, November 16, 2021

NOV 16 2021

 i should be out playing with the 3 pupps..  ( actually 2 + 1 at the moment)and i wil be.. after i get this first cu;pa coffee down....there were 2 distinct puppy training eopisodes to diiscuss.. the older cp's have heard this before..,, maye.... let me go to dictation. 

Situation one---I was sitting on the floor with the three puppies trying to drink a cup of coffee most people in this situation would raise the cup of coffee higher and higher to keep it out of the way of the pups-------this is absolutely wrong because all you're doing is teaching him to jump higher and higher and higher and then wonder why ----  So what I do if I put the cup of coffee right in the middle of the floor where I can see it and I prohibit then coming within 6 inches of my cup of coffee by sticking out one finger which----- if their nose gets in the way that figure comes down on it very their nose very sharply------ and they eventually learned back up and stay away from the cup of coffee -----now I added to that"NO"   and then I added "Watson no."   and in short order that dog would not go near my cup of coffee----     if you go back and look at the whatever REPLAY...  it is thing that everybody goes back and looks at when I get in trouble----- so go to so so go so go back there now and you'll see that it doesn't take long for him to realize he's not supposed to go near that cup of coffee..  which you know eventually becomes my dinner plate on a stool in the living room but it becomes a lot of things when I can just say his name when he's going tord Bentley which he knows he's not supposed to do 'cause Bentley growls at him and that lots of no becomes a warning to him to pay attention and behave which eventually becomes mind your manners --------it's just an alert saying you're going to get hurt if not by them by me---- so behave that's my cup of coffee thank you ------and he learned very quickly he's a smart dog he's also a hyperactive dog in my opinion ----I don't know if anybody gives HD whatever the no ticket notification is HD it's what I was when I was a kid I'm sure

...  what I notice in just the way he moves around the kitchen with the other pups is that his attention jumps from one object to another in a split second very often with his mouth wide open in an effort to bite it------ so I worked on that by grabbing his mouth and if my finger should inadvertently press his lip into his tooth that's another Whole learning technique if your mouth shut actually we will discuss that one any further but he he he knows now when I say his name to to back off a little bit and think this is this is great progress... Which eventually becomes just the very harsh AAAAa sound that I make got all dogs here ----pay attention to which basically says stop and think what you're doing there's no way you can teach a dog not to touch all the things it's not supposed to touch but when that a sound happens my dogs know.   somethings up and they better sharpen up.


he is learning there is hope he's a pain in the *** he's particularly hard on the darker of the two Florida pups---- I'm told but that pup is slightly more timid than the other and he picked it up right away and said great I'll go sit on her head ----so there is all sorts of that to pay attention to you're not allowed to do that--- the pUps will all play bitey face like we call it my mouth is bigger than your mouth -----and  which is perfectly normal----- what is not acceptable is they may not make the other puppy Yelp ------I didn't set that rule ----watching many mothers over many years I realized that if the puppy Yelps she will come down on the aggressor very hard----- which is sometimes you----- gotta be watching ahead of time because the puppy getting chewed up on if you're not there to split second you could mistake that for the wrong puppy and end up reprimanding the wrong dog you gotta be on top of the situation and realize what's going on without making a split second in this regard I never did see the dark puppy charge at Mr. Wilson yet if the dark puppy is asleep and Mr. Wilson has nothing to do he will go over and sit on her head ------this is called trying to dominate---- at which point I take him by the scruff of the neck put it down on the floor and let go and then he sits there and thinks oh maybe I shouldn't have done that -----and he's getting it -----the other thing he's getting is the  yuppy puppy he's almost got it if I could spend an hour today I bet he has it -----he almost has put his nose on the end of that bone which causes that treats to fall in the dish with a great deal of noise.


situation 2  the "somewhere else problem"


he wants to be out where the others are -----what I am trying to get away from right now----he's frustrated behind that fence--- so I want to remove the fence and let him wander around and when he gets in trouble--- will have to correct him we have somebody here with him all the time ---not necessarily me ---but somebody out there right now that puppy could be loose and wandering around.   . it's very early in the morning---- Oh no it's not----- any rate he is behind a fence and wants to be elsewhere...  -------So I have askedSARA. to go let him out and SARA immediately thought she ought to put laccky and Germany in the other room and I said no----- no they want to growl at him and snap at him that's fine I had him out yesterday and they growled and snapped a little bit but didn't seem to offer to do great harm------- it's just get out of here the conversation that has to be developed at any rate she went over and open the door and let the puppy out and immediately  sizzle immediately jumped down off the bed to go out and check on the whole thing and she immediately came back in ------that was that was more than interesting---- she just wanted to go out and see what was happening make sure everything was under control and she said oh OK the hell with it and she's back on the bed to running in circles turning up the bed.   I think is that She sees that puppy being loosed as manageable.. she bit him yesterday to the point where he yelped a little bit and my guess is he will he won't bother sizzle and for some reason she passed her hand over the fact that both lakian Gemini  ARE.  out there with hIM now and it should be alright


you have to take some chances sometime granted they could make a mistake and kill that puppy in two seconds I don't think they're going to I obviously don't think they're going to I can certainly understand what's happening I HEAR LARKEY BEING YELED AT.... just he's played a little too rough for all is what he just plays a little too rough that's correct make him stop and go lie down----Dictation bit gets all my instructions first hand---lucky is too rough and he can be told he's too  to go lie down he'll go get on the couch----- if that was a tiny little Jack Russell terrier puppy I certainly would be a little more hesitant about it but to some degree these puppies ARE  strong little things and this is how they get to be stronger there's all off a lot of roughhousing that goes on with children and puppies

. So the second situation I'm trying to address here is last night in starting to feed this group------ there was Watson in   there with  the house dogs   PLUS  another of the bunch   in the diegel house ---they all get fed by the house kitchen. Person........ now Watson was loose with the house dogs and  whoever was on call wanted to put Watson locked in the sunroom and feed the house dogs first and I said wait a minute be 'cause if.  that you put Watson behind the fence in the sunroom then he's going to be behind the fence in the sunroom barking away and frustrated by the fact that everybody else is getting fed and I'm not getting fed and I'm sure they forgot me and how come I can't be out there and pepa pepa and that is what too much of his life has already been --------So what I suggested we do ------or that she do because I was sitting there doing nothing--------   is feed Watson first in the sunroom because then he is behind the gate and he's THINKING... I. AM. lucky ----he's glad he is because he got to eat his first   re member.....   that was a lot better than being frustrated by the gate so she fed him first he barked a couple times while everybody else got fed after he had eaten....  then he went over and laid down and fell asleep************ that situation was so far superior and all it took was to reverse the order in which these dogs were fed *********you gotta realize what you are doing to the animal that you're handling ----now the dogs the house dogs they know darn well they're going to get fed if I had my way I'd have lined up and sitting in a certain place but that doesn't seem to work out at any rate------ you don't want to create frustration for the dog which is what locking him in a crate put in behind a door that's what that does-------- and if you haven't got a very good reason to do it then it should not ever be done. 


Like Explorer, I watch on Facebook and  Youtube called Max and Katie the Great Danes. I believe they are on the West coast of Florida. Well anyway, she makes videos playing with them and daily life with Danes and posts the..videos... Reason I'm writing this is I just read yesterday that Mikey born in 2018, was playing with his Jolly ball and running around the big yard,a perfectly healthy dog and he just dropped dead on the spot!!! I was thinking of one of my favorite Stitch...They said it was a heart attack or a stroke. So I just thought it was interesting that it seems to happen a lot in the Danes. So there is an  example of not being any of your blood lines.  I know you know it isn't but a little peace of mind helps a little....Also, that ITP, thinking that's the name of that blood problem, I know personally, a few not Danes it happened too. My sister in law's mutt, just bled out and died.... Again I just figured I'd share.... I've been part of your family or CP since 2017, and we are hooked, love mail call and DD. Thank you for all you do! Carol

Carlene White