Friday, April 20, 2018

april 20 2018
i have some good news and some bad.....
good news-- we took ella to  a  specialist to figure out why she has a heart murmer that goerge had heard... i was very worried because of all the relatives she has that are already out being good service dogs... 
 turns out the cause of the noise is inconsequencial--  for $500...   now how we get  that news out to all the people who had started to worry, i do not know....  i do not do facebook-- so i will count on everyone to pass that around  facebook as quickly as possible... should i do a cardiac ultrasound on every pup???  well...historically george would stop by with each new litter and put a stethoscope on each one--- and usually someone at least listens to their heart when they get their rabies at 12 weeks...       we do not coddle our pups- tehy runn up and down puppy hill- falling down hitting trees... wrestling with each other-- i figure  - that kind of  life  itself is good screening should  uncover any physical problems.. we watch for any  deviation and  usually  donate them to volunteers as happy pets... which often become happy therqapy dogs.
 the bad news is we did not get the cummings graNT of $100,000   --- we were sooooo sure.... 
we will survive, but  this will mean we will have to redo our  bigger expenses like payroll--  job descriptions and .. we will not hot top  the rest of the driveway...
the good news on big projects is   that wonderful stone dust path  was 99% donation---
how is news "slanted"  ?  or not equally distributed?????
it is not getting much press that  the captain who was so brilliant in landing that southwest plane with one engine
 was ... female...  now just immagine what would be all over thenews if she had crashed the thing killing eveerybody. 

Tammie Jo Shults, the Southwest captain who safely landed the jetliner, is being hailed as a level-headed hero for her calm in the face of crisis, as evidenced by air-traffic control tapes released Wednesday.

i did listen to her recording as she  got details about  which runway-- and then thanked the ATC for their help ??????

now this is funny
several days ago, as I left a meeting at a hotel, I desperately gave myself a personal "TSA pat down." I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing.
Suddenly I realized I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My wife has scolded me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition.  
My theory is the ignition is the best place not to lose them.
Her theory is that the car will be stolen. As I burst through the door, I came to a terrifying conclusion: her theory was right. The parking lot was empty.
I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen.
Then I made the most difficult call of all, "Honey," I stammered; I always call her "honey" in times like these. "I left my keys in the car, and it has been stolen."  
There was a period of silence. I thought the call had been dropped, but then I heard her voice. "Idiot", she barked, "I dropped you off!"
Now it was my time to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, "Well, come and get me." 
She retorted, "I will, as soon as I convince this policeman I have not stolen your car."

Yep, it's the golden years.