Tuesday, November 3, 2015

nov 3 2015
mind blank--- it happens...
all i can remember for today is 2 cords of firewood should arrive and somebody is coming to try and sell me something to do with the minimum wage and mass. laws..
apparently it is on facebook... tht bella and george will be featured  'person of the week' on abc  friday night -  they  were to film it yesterday- and i am told it is now on facebook- so watch for it.... so many of you saw george when he was born... and  watched him raised....so it is a huge deal  for all of us......
opals  pups did vry well overnight in #10-- we can watch them on camera-- a big help to get one litter out of here...   but they will be back practicing their megan march... you should be able to see that from that extr camera that shows the driveway and the  anti hawk  streamers...
why are we back to  having 5 donkeys ????
rumor mills.... now janine  ( and we ) are caught in  a rumor and it is just annoying...
fact   strangles-- this  "distemper" kind of thing horses get,has an incubation period of  usually 2 weeks.  messy but not fatal... involves a 28 day quarentene-- not a problem for us-- our donkeys don't go anywhere...
our donkeys were quarentined for 28 days in texas and then have been here  maybe 6 weeks  when the baby came down with strangles... all properly quarentined  and healthy.... so he caught it here....he could not have brought it from texas...
there is a big "hunt" barn who has bunches of horses sick with it for at least a month-- there is no way they got it from us... we have to have  caught it from them... probably the vet carried it -- or some of our sunday visitors who might have been  at tht othr barn..  they had it before we did--- but they prefer to blame the poor donkeys.

where it reallly gets com[licated is a big  horse event of the year-- which we usually go to as spectator ( and janine rides) is th every formal thanksgiving day hunt.  hundreds plus horses gallop around all the big estates in hamilton-- following about 40 hounds ( who are following a smelly rag dragged around about 4 hours earlier.)
"our "  teenage donkey was adopted by the person who lives across from the big expensive stable..  that donkey is healthy ( as of yesterday) but janine, slightly in panic mode- went over with the trailer and brought him back  ( in case/ before his nose strted to run ) ..rumors are flying... it was the donkey...so the vet is due here today to take a swab and confirm the donkey healthy at the moment-- altho now  here, he probably will catch it too.

problem is all those people passing the rumor around really need to blame something---and they are not wanting to hear , it can not have been the donkeys...
very annoying...
what do the simple folk do?
they certainly can't attach a picture here.....  grrrrrrrrrrrr i have done the october wall  into one of those huge circles and have not figured out how to distribute it to everyone... i will continue to work on it.