Monday, November 3, 2014

nov 3 2014
I  am running on empty---  i am better than i was-- but i was pretty bad..

they thought of giving me oxygen yesterday  and then decided it was too difficult to get the o2 tank refilled....

the bad news??? sick as i am i am still not loosing weight..  usually a good case of the flu is good for loosing 4 or 5 pounds... but not yet .

bless the cut and paste...  i can go back to sofa

Hi Carlene, 

I just wanted to thank you and everyone at SDP for giving my family the opportunity to give Goldie a new home! I really can't tell you how happy my family is to have her and without the love and care she received at the farm growing up she wouldn't be the amazing dog she is today.

 She may not be a service dog but already she has made such an impact on all of us. My younger brother is special needs and has a fear of being in our backyard by himself. It's a chore to try and get him to just come out and play, even in the summer. My mother informed me that he spent all of Sunday afternoon running around in the backyard with Goldie, that is huge!!  My father also has rheumatoid arthritis, a paralyzed foot, a replaced knee and a metal rod in his femur, needless to say he doesn't go on long walks very often. But last week he decided to take Goldie out to get the mail from the mailbox and 15 minutes later I look outside and my Dad has decided to walk her down the street and around the block because he was astounded as how well she walked on a leash for such a big dog. 
Really I can't thank you enough. 
See you this weekend, 