Saturday, November 1, 2014

nov 1 2014
late rising--- i should have written this thing at 3am when i was wide awake

in this modern wrld of internet/time zones and the like.... we need to outlaw words like  "tomorrow  today and yesterday"    it blows me away  trying to keep track " the freezer gye will be there tomorrow" leaves me scrambling for when did ehs send it-- turns out 4am-- which doesn 't help because   today would be accurate, but tomorrow might be the coloquial " the day after my next breakfast coffee"
at any rate he did not show yesterday-friday-- so tomorrow could have been today - saturday
got that?

 we have - i thin k 2 problems--
1.  the freezer was to have a heater coil around teh  door so ice does not build up keeping the door slightly open..  we have ice in the door.
2. a big wad of ice and drip under the shelves  mid freezer..  this i do not understand it is sooooo coild in there , how did that water manage not to be an icycle til it got to the floor where it is forming a stalagmite..
that is the big question..
closely related.... fact....
my father told me to buy a house in the winter because if it was covered with icicles it mean the roof was not insulated properly and the heat caused the melt when it was cold enough to form icicles

so that is today( saturday's)dilemma   where is the freezer fixer????

other than that --- the chicken bricks are looking wonderfully  i must go down and raise the  thermometer another inch

and then find breakfast...

hopefully i am sick-- which supposes i will get better and improve... if i am not sick, then my malaise is due only to age... and  you don't improve from that.

i am pretty sure i am sick..
my nose is running not dripping

age might cause a drip-- but full running has to be sick.

did i send this already?

> Hi Carlene,
> Onyx will be turning two on Sunday and I thought I would
> give you an update since it has been awhile.  She has
> adjusted so well to home life with my husband and I and we
> couldn't love her more.  She has such a fun personality
> and has really become a part of our family.  Everyone
> we meet absolutely adores her and thinks that she is
> beautiful.  We have a lady in the park we go to every
> morning who can't wait to see her each and every day. 
> She is has one of the funny dane personalities I read so
> much about before we got her, she really is larger than
> life.  She is smart and so easy to have with us, her
> recall is great, and she just seems to want to please us 99%
> of the time.  She enjoys morning and evening trips to
> the park, we can barely use the word park in house anymore
> because she goes crazy with excitement, loves to ride in the
> car, and hasn't meet a person or another dog that she didn't
> like.
> Thank you again for allowing us to have this wonderful dog
> in our lives.
> Jen, Eric, and Onyx