Sunday, September 1, 2024


Dd 9 1

 labor day? what on earth happened to planting the peas in march?  I missed that..

there is some new deal we have got involved in.. a street party to buy kids school supplies—and I am told we have another one of those coming up...

Trouble is when you don't feel good you don't do anything there's nothing to write about. However I think I'm over the edge and life should be improving... 

my big debate at the moment is the bill Cummings grant you are supposed to have been to have had your 501C3 numbers a year to be able to apply and we have done that except the change of name so I don't know whether we're eligible or not  somehow I feel if we could get that chart of clouds in front of them they might be a little more forgiving I don't know and I realized they get 500,000 applications.... but I haven't seen anybody out in the daycare centers trying to keep people entertained so we do have a unique case...

Trouble is all 500,000 applicants have unique cases.  In the meantime we are totally dependent on the henny penny board which is moving along and I do have some quick picks to put in.. if people send me a check I can enter it here although I don't type all the address information etcetera... The board hangs over my head and we should be getting it down along about tomorrow to get it renumbered re squared and renumbered.  and I know we could leave the old numbers on except I feel we should be delivering total random number picking so every month we enter them all .

It's absolutely crazy but we are doing a hell of a job with these daycare centers and I do want to continue.

We get so many requests that we could have two teams if Mr. Cummings helps. We have all the equipment and very good animals all train to frying pans.... and so far it's trouble free-- let us pray.

i cant put this on the oepen blog until i register somethign with the european something or other....