Thursday, September 5, 2024

 dd 9 5

Dd 9 5 

what else besides the morning poo report... penny is going on the back porch very nicely on the deck would be cold the only problem is it's got considerably considerable number of rocks in it she's a rock eater and I hope she doesn't need a big one there's not an awful lot we can do about that except to watch her and we live with rocks all over the place. hopefully she gets over it she certainly is hyperactive. I believe the terminology would be ADHD. and I do have her coming when she's called and lying down but she springs right back up again I can't make her stay in any position --we're working on  it


no hey penny penny Patty.. leave Wanda alone that's my shoe don't worry about that next.... yesterday it was a struggle to find 2 shoes to go to the doctor's office that was going to be hard to explain but what the heck... I think we have a relatively free couple days here they caught up on paperwork-


I don't think we can well I don't think we should apply for the bill Cummings thing until we are 100% legal which is one year after our 501C3... which is another month or so from now it's too bad but I I don't think we would be right to jump that particular gun play there is quite specifically say that the 501C3 has to be in place for one year and ours is only about 8 months however on we go.. our usual bunch of Goldie warriors did manage to get us sold out of the original 756 so we ought to be all set for another 5 minutes..... 


Thanks to Elizabeth friendship with that person from Lynn school system we now have more school jobs they would like to have us do and we would like to do them but we should send more animals and more people because last time it was 375 kids and we only had the baby donkey and one mini horse  and lucky that's an awful lot for them to stand. With only lucky and the donkey actually wandering in the crowd and I think that was pretty much because we didn't have enough help to have Wanda and the mini horse in the same bunch of kids it's a tough call ...  no frying pans were used play


 Good boy     there is Judy in the background---I think I've done all the memsic things and requested a check actually two of them because one is henny penny and the other is the hay.   ---judy background. hey no no come on play

are you still on the microphone yeah OK now go ahead I I'm just I just let your comments all stay there OK it's a it's about cleaning---we do have to stay on top of the mouse department perhaps that's what we will end up doing today is going to the hardware store and getting some mouse straps I have been known to order them from Amazon by the case.. actually when we went through that bed right deal I ordered 84 rat traps from Amazon and one month later I had 20 left that means that I caught 64 rats... that was the real number but nobody was interested in it they said I wasn't doing anything because not only did I do tha but I think we have the rats under control but now it's the micet I had those exhaust pipes which I put on my car and showed down the rat holes... now we should address the mice. it's not that we see them it's what they leave behind