Friday, September 20, 2024


Dd 9 20


Gwen Gwen just showed me a lovely little gizmo about the size of a 25 cent piece which you can put in something you leave behind constantly like your wallet or something and need to go and find it and it really does work if she leaves it in her bags at the airport and somebody steals the bags it will track that thing all the way to their home and get her bag back again that was unbelievably accurate etcetera etcetera so all she needs to have to be able to take advantage of this marvelous technology is our cell phone which is one of the things that she does leave behind but not that often but the problem also is that she's used her cell phone so often that she no longer knows out of her memory what any of the phone numbers are probably including her own at any rate she now has written her critical phone numbers about 3 or 4 of them on a little piece of paper which she then keeps in her wallet which hopefully is not the thing she leaves behind it sort of is technology going through full circle and being dependent on a little piece of paper I like that...


 we don't have anything to do today OH YES WE DO.......dont we nothing on the do we??? I don't think there is any note on my PAPER  calendar.. WE HAVE 2 VISITS WITH EQUINES   AND A PERSON COMING T OHE FARM AT 11

Of course that's a perfect example of technology trying to drag me into the modern world.. Speaking of that I don't think I gave proper attention to Elizabeth and I trying to work the faucet in the emergency room to wash off the big gouge on the back of my left hand... the faucet was automatic supposedly and we couldn't quite determine what caused it to get turned on---when it most comically started up as Elizabeth bent over which caused her to stand up and bend over while laughing hysterically and me yelling because it the water was turned on and hurting me that was a very funny episode .


Goals of today--- getting some electrical situations cured so the pup no longer can turn 

off the tv with her teeth... I am tols I have a blood test at 945 and then a vunch coming tosee goldys farm.


One of these days I will try and have ai write this thing so you alll can make comments.  Should be amusing.....