Saturday, September 14, 2024

 Dd 9 14  We had a lovely mail call last night at the expense of Elizabeths  sanity..


it was really very simple-- she bought 3000 dollars worth of something to repair the house after this tree fall bit and I wrote a check out of the insurance money to repay her.  all was good except when I wrote the date I put in 2023 then I wrote a four on top of the three... a fairly normal problem banks I'm sure run into ..  and when the banks presented that to my bank my bank paid it however the receiving bank landed that check and the falsified  departmen----ohh damn it no no no no no no no ohh shoot they've all gone out the door come on back here no ohh ohh dear come on back here come back here come back here lucky lucky come back here go ahead good doggies good doggies very good doggies come out lucky lucky come come come come come dad Carl come hey don't know no no call cup come on good boy come on come on come on come on come on let's stop here we come on come come come come good girl everybody in the car in the house in the house good girl yes good in the house well I can get it locked up God laughing go single cup that would have been like OK ohh ohh what car you opened that door you're not supposed to now what do I do well at least they're all in...


back to the falsified check department.. so in spite of the fact my check paid them the $3000 her bank not only stop the check bank. but halted all activity on her account as being a falsified account.. this was extremely uncomfortable situation because she had several deposits that were automatically put in that account and several things automatically paid out of that account and that account was now apparently in some kind of limbo my bank having already paid it..  at any rate because she now was labeled as a falsifier of checking accounts she can't even talk to anyone about it at that branch so she asked for the person who was in charge of things like unhappy customers and she was told that this bank doesn't have one of those which apparently is some kind of illegal that I never heard ,..... but nick who is Elizabeth husband who is in some kind of financial world where he knows darn well the bank has by law a department to deal with unhappy customers except this bank does not seem to have that or at least the people in the branch don't know how to get there.  – 
 Elizabeth went on to deal with the financial woes of being labeled a falsifier of checks.. but I was just dying to take a couple dogs and go over and sit in their branch and be the 87 year old crazy woman angry about the fact that the bank had stolen the money and had stopped my friend from accessing what I put in the bank. I would have had a field day but  sainner  minds stopped  me .


dammit !!