Monday, September 2, 2024

 dd 9 2

Dd 9 2

Has anyone ever checked the IQ of a fly? I have a fly on this screen this monitor and I swear I can move them around with my cursor..  it will not let me touch him with the cursor but if I get close and move it he jumps over to where the cursor was.. and I've known for a long time that every time you pick up a fly swatter they all disappear./but with all the grants given to people for very weird things I would think someone who figured out how to test the IQ or fly we wait.. 

 hey guys you Judy makes these sounds which puts words in here I'm just gonna leave them you can all figure it out my puppy poo report. penny is now waking up around 1:00 and asking to go out on the deck where she quick peas and then comes right back in and goes back into her bed as opposed to the four or 5:00 up getting when she goes out on the deck and there's no way she's going back in that crate but she likes it when it's normal sleeping time.


Judy has arrived and boy do they know it when her car comes up the driveway they all start barking and carrying on--they know her car and she pulls into the parking pit and I think if she walked across the field I might be able to turn these guys loose but I'm afraid they'd knock her over they're so thrilled to have her arrival. I don't leave it


another interesting fly fact is I stopped playing with him when I started doing this and the fly got bored and left interesting up to that point I was moving my cursor about two inches from him and he was following it but it's gone now I wonder how you know if it's the same fly the whole thing could get out of hand... back that.
 Judy is trying to feed the dogs you can speak up Judy and I'm just gonna leave it here you can speak up when you're feeding the dogs and I'm just gonna leave it here alright so then they'll know what you're doing they're all well don't let that happen you had your alright they're done. penny is just about big enough to eat out of the raised faders the problem if we do that is that she would make a beeline for the next like her mother's and her mother would bite her so we probably will have to continue to feed her in the crate or out on the deck..  


my fly is back. how do I know if that's the same fly it's doing the same thing sort of half chasing the cursor I'm sorry I wanna go play with the fly