Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Dd 9 24 aka day #98


With many ropes and a great deal of muscle 6 people got mojo back on her feet . When I heard she was down in the field I assumed she was not feeling well and was in mortal trouble however when I got there and everybody else got there we found that she had laid down and in the process of lying on her side her feet were slightly higher than her head and for a horse that's a mortal problem..  so I was given a chair to sit and watch while the rest of the people there picked up heavy duty ropes got a halter on her and proceeded to pull her away from the fence which was slightly downhill from her feet once she was turned around perpendicular to the incline she got her feet under herself ---the back ones first--- and staggered forward about 3 feet of course looking for breakfast..  so in other words she was fine she just had a geometric problem. luckily being a mule once she found herself in that spot she didn't struggle very much--- we could see where she had tried to get on her feet and her front legs formed an arch in the mud sand the in which she laid but she quit.. a horse might have struggled till they died but mules have more sense.. so she just quit and said where the heck  is breakfast?


So that disaster over with Judy and I went on to trask which is an adult daycare center..  which we go to quite often in Peabody there's usually about 25 to 35 people there in a vague circle.. so when we got there we just let the dogs go ahead because they knew damn well where they're going and all three bounded into the room amid cheers from the people sitting in the circle...  I joined them in the chair they they saved for me and Judy arrived with the frying pan and we played the usual game feed the dog the cookies.. We had kind of exhausted the cookie routine by one minute after 11..   which meant that the five guys sandwich shop would be open at 11:00 and they have what I thought was the greatest milkshake..


we got there at 11:05 and they weren't quite ready for us something about material not being completely frozen to make the milkshakes so I ate a hamburger while we waited and that worked---- they finally came out with a milkshake.   They must have rushed the process because the milkshake contain 1/4 to 1/8 inch light pebbles sort of thing which if I collected them in my mouth and squished them they were squishable on the roof of my mouth into a semi pleasant waxy sort of substance... so much for that lovely milkshake I don't know what those pebbles were never had anything like it before but apparently that's what makes it wonderful if prepared properly and not rushed..  it tasted semi good but I honestly didn't finish it.


We came home to chainsaws blaring and Elizabeth photographing the results found that one of the trees right close to the house was totally hollow..  It looked alive but this tree which was probably 14 inches in diameter had only about an inch and 1/2 of wood on the outside the center was totally hollow and black so I think we did the right thing to cut that one down and I'm pretty sure there's another one just like it at the top of the pond... but seeing as that is probably not a threat to anything we may not cut it down in this go round---apparently they will be back to cut down maybe another 6 trees and then bring in a grinder to grind up all the bits and pieces.. which Elizabeth thought would be fine to fire them into the chicken pen and cover that whole area sounds good at the moment I can't think why not eventually we could cover it with horse manure and end up with grass---maybe.  All of this wood I think complete the requirement of the insurance company so that they will give us the last $14,000 of the insurance money,  if their inspection says we've done everything we're supposed to.. somehow with insurance companies I'll believe it when it's in the bank.


my idiot brainstorm over the moment is to try and put together and abbreviated agility course and maybe get penny to jump crawl through funny things when we're at a nursing home/daycare center-- remember these day care centers are heated and air conditioned. and love to share it with animals...


the hardest. pvc   thing to find are the 5 openings so I could make a very tiny jump a cavaletti...   ..  and see if I could get penny started on agility..  the number one agility Dane in the country belonged to Beth Guttridge... it was a white male  who was 100% deaf---  then she got it doing complete agility courses...  white and deaf is not a death sentence... it just needs a little creative thinking...