Thursday, August 29, 2024

 dd 8 29

why does this do that?????? i now have t ogo find it and copy paste again....

Straight off the television. ? do you have a life insurance policy you no longer use? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.. how does one “use” a life insurance policy???

Some of you have heard this.. however....

I had a life insurance policy $250,000 a very impressive number... and out of the clear blue Sky One day I got a letter from the insurance company saying that my policy had 0 value Even though the bill I had received from them the previous month said there was about $100,000 cash value---- I've been saying I've been sending money in since 1980 something

So I ran to the phone and called the number that was on this notice and the phone number had been discontinued...  slight panic setting in I then wrote a letter to them which was returned to me nobody at that address...  it began to look like I was out an awful lot of money so I called the Massachusetts department of people who are upset with their insurance companies.. and after that got kicked around someone finally told me to get a hold of the agent that had settled sold me the policy if I could and put that to him.. so I did that and got a check for almost the cash value but all things being equal I just decided to take it and run which seemed reasonable.

in other words they had my money interest free since 1980 and left me happy to get anything.. they're very clever.. because being 80 years old if they let that run too long they might have to pay the whole 250,000 so they could save 150 by coaxing me to cash it in... By setting up a dead telephone and a fake address they made me happy to get anything.

.. thus  illustrates the reason for my love of insurance companies..

Penny is getting down to a routine of waking about 4am... to be quickly shuffled out to pee on the deck and back in for early breakfast – and a nap with larkey... she readily jumps in the car—sleeps til we get to a job—then goes in to say hello to everyone in sight. She loves the work !! and the cookies I toss around the floor to “direct “ them to individuals

After a while. I have my three lie down and stay—and jannine goes outside and gets “act 2”  off the trailer—that being mommy donkey and baby  who do about the same thing for apple alphalpha  cookies... it is a very polished performance ----lotsa smiles and photos... beginning to end, it takes us 3 hours to get ready, drive and get back home ands clean out the trailer....all with a dunkein donuts coffee in one hand....

So many people... so many smiles,,...